Quitting gracefully?

Stick with the training, it's always the hardest part /most stressful. Hang in there, get some turbine time up your sleeve. See how u feel and reevaluate.
gotta say Im kinda in the same boat in a way. got 1500 hours but now need to spend money on 50 hours of multi time etc. i have some money saved up from a previous job but cant find any real good reason to get into the flying gig again even though its always what i wanted to do. there are never any positive stories and 99% of the guys on APC and other forums just sound like they are just ready to all pack it in .. so why torture myself? uhhhh
How to quit? Two weeks notice. Quit correctly and it shouldn't be a problem.

Anything short of two-weeks notice, that is going to follow you around for a while.

If you start it, finish it. Then re-evaluate.
We always tend to look at things in a more fearful/negative light when under stress. The key is not to focus on the stress, but on the task at hand which for you right now is doing your best in the training process. Once you are successful through that, you will probably find your outlook will improve significantly, allowing you to make a more reasoned (instead of stress chemical induced) decision. Your feelings don't always tell you the truth.

Forget the naysayers and whiners on Internet forums. It would seem the majority of them trudge on wherever they are and do not quit. Apparently it is not bad enough for them to quit, so why you? Don't let their choices affect your life's course.

Are there some parts to the job that are difficult? Absolutely, but that's the same with ANY job. You just have to choose which parts you are ok with being difficult and which ones are not acceptable to you....again it is a choice. I recommend against making that choice right now though, wait a while and see what happens.
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