PUBNAT7 One week only.

I just interviewed today and the manager who interviewed me advised that there WILL be a PEPC in August. I don't really want to give too much info about what he told me but it will be in August. I even saw the e-mail confirming his travel itenerary.

Good Luck!!!
I just interviewed today and the manager who interviewed me advised that there WILL be a PEPC in August. I don't really want to give too much info about what he told me but it will be in August. I even saw the e-mail confirming his travel itenerary.

Good Luck!!!

Awesome. Congrats on the interview by the way.:beer:
I just interviewed today and the manager who interviewed me advised that there WILL be a PEPC in August. I don't really want to give too much info about what he told me but it will be in August. I even saw the e-mail confirming his travel itenerary.

Good Luck!!!

You interview with GM, by any chance?
I just interviewed today and the manager who interviewed me advised that there WILL be a PEPC in August. I don't really want to give too much info about what he told me but it will be in August. I even saw the e-mail confirming his travel itenerary.

Good Luck!!!

Very interesting... One of my instructors just showed us an email today that confirmed the panels meeting in August or September with no firm date yet however, she also said in the email that we can expect the next PUBNAT next week... It sounds like a lot of stuff is getting ready to happen. BTW I checked the email and it was from AT
She is probably out getting wasted to blow off all the excess stress. I know I wanted to.

I just went home and slept after mine.

I also had three finals and a test on the day prior though, so I was pretty beat after the adrenaline rush wore off.
I took the test today and was a bit surprised by a few sections. Math was much easier than I'd anticipated. I wasn't prepared for the letter factory questions, though. They killed me. I crashed a couple of planes during the scenarios, too. Now it's a waiting game...
I took the test today and was a bit surprised by a few sections. Math was much easier than I'd anticipated. I wasn't prepared for the letter factory questions, though. They killed me. I crashed a couple of planes during the scenarios, too. Now it's a waiting game...

I wouldn't worry too much. I did pretty much the same and I did well. Just keep checking ASAP for your score. I think you'll be happy.
Congratz to everyone taking their tests, im sure you all did fine. Get ready for a whole lot of waiting now!!
Flew in last week to OKC from Colorado to take the test. Felt real comfortable afterwards but I thought I bombed the analogies. After finding this forum this week, it has helped me with the timelines to expect for the next steps. Good luck to all.

Hello, everyone. Just wanted to share my thoughts on the test very quickly.

I’m excited to get the results soon as I do see some people posting their scores next day after taking the test.

I’ve arrived at the hotel at about 7:20 and was about the 10th to register. The FAA guys were awfully sweet and we were just joking around about how much chocolate I had for breakfast. There were 33 computers (if I’m not mistaken) set up and I believe everyone showed up. I was surprised at how many people were taking the test. One of the guys have mentioned that he has never applied at ASAP and just showed interest in ATC once at one of the job forums (from what I could understand), and got the invite to take the test (which I did find a bit odd). He was from IN.

Anyways, I was able to do only 22 of 25 in Math before the time ran out and got very disappointed. I was doing a lot of studying b4 the test and always did well on math. The first two question were easy, but then got harder and harder, and it threw me off.
Dials and Angles were easy.
When it came to ATSenarios, I crashed one airplane against the airport wall once and had a couple of separation errors, but in overall I thought I did well. You could feel the tension in the air as people would make noise/comments and sigh throughout the scenarios (so was I). The SCAN got very busy and crowded once or twice, but it was manageable (I was mumbling the range in Russian the whole way through:chair:).

The Letter Factory was easy, and I was whispering to myself what I was doing throughout the factory so I’d remember the whole picture when it came to answering the questions. I still had to guess some of them though. I was barely holding back from laughing when it came to analogies – they were very amusing and fairly goofy:D. There was one with a smiley face missing an eyebrow and a mouth, and I thought it was very “unique” taking in consideration the job title this test was intended for. Other than that, I was second to last to leave the room and, to be honest, I thought my head would explode (sugar overload). I’m very unsure about what to expect because of the math portion and it makes me think I didn’t do as well, but again, as English is my second language it takes me just a bit longer than others to read through the questions as I’m very thorough about this kind of stuff and don’t want to miss out on anything.

Thanks to everyone who’s helped out with posts, suggestions and examples. You all are great and wonderful. I will let you know how I did regardless of the score as I do see people “vanishing into thin air” after the tests once in a while.

Keep in touch, everyone!!!


I took the test last Friday. Thought I did pretty well. Crashed one plane. Proficiences during AT senarions were 95, 68, 62, 88.

Got my results today, got a 100.
One of the guys have mentioned that he has never applied at ASAP and just showed interest in ATC once at one of the job forums (from what I could understand), and got the invite to take the test (which I did find a bit odd). He was from IN.

I know a number of people at the community college I'm going to did not receive their, "You have been selected to take the AT-SAT" emails when some of us did. Someone posted their email on the bulletin board and those people who hadn't received their email yet used that contact number to arrange test dates before getting their own official notice. I wonder if something like that happened to this guy.

I wouldn't worry too much about the rest of it. Sounds like you probably did fairly well overall, I suspect you'd know it if you didn't do well.

It took about a day and a half to two days for my score to come out, so maybe yours is already up :)