PUBNAT7 One week only.


Thanks for the answers. Wow!!! How deep can they dig?!?:eek:

Today's survivors will be here any moment now...

I'm a survivor!

Not too bad, angles and dials were easy. Math wasn't too bad. Scenarios weren't bad either, however i heard alot of people crashing planes. I feel that the Jeremy judge atst is better prep than the one on the CD. Letter factory was a doozie, only because of the questions. The actual factory itself was pretty simple. Analogies werent too bad, pay attention to the isntructions though because some analogies are based on vowel sounds and not definition.

Here i am telling you its not too bad, but come time to see my score watch me fail lol. Seriously though its not too bad, and the time goes by quickly.
I found it to be fairly easy overall, I made some mistakes but I did my best. Letter factory I found cake except those questions that popped up. I crashed 2 or 3 planes on the ATC scenerios.The verbal analogies kicked my ass but the visual ones all made sense to me. Im not getting my hopes up, if I did good then thats a feather in my cap otherwise all I can say it wasnt meant to be.
Well, it sounds like you did exactly the same as I did, and I ended up with an 88.4. Let's see if your score turns out to be similar! :)
I'm a survivor!

Not too bad, angles and dials were easy. Math wasn't too bad. Scenarios weren't bad either, however i heard alot of people crashing planes. I feel that the Jeremy judge atst is better prep than the one on the CD. Letter factory was a doozie, only because of the questions. The actual factory itself was pretty simple. Analogies werent too bad, pay attention to the isntructions though because some analogies are based on vowel sounds and not definition.

Here i am telling you its not too bad, but come time to see my score watch me fail lol. Seriously though its not too bad, and the time goes by quickly.

LETTER FACTORY: do you read the instructions only in the beginning or they come up here and there in the test?...
LETTER FACTORY: do you read the instructions only in the beginning or they come up here and there in the test?...

all instructions for every portion are at the begining. They are detailed and include not only text, but activities to familiarise yourself with that section of the test as well as sample questions/activities. For the most part the only thing you can really study for is the math, angles, and dials. Everything else you can only familiarise yourself with the green book/cd and the jeremy justice game.
LETTER FACTORY: do you read the instructions only in the beginning or they come up here and there in the test?...
EVERY portion of the test gives ALL the instructions for that particular portion of the test before you take any part of it thats graded. you do so much practice on the different sections id say about 1/3 of the time spent taking the test is actually doing practice tests. just go in there and do your best to relax and stay calm. and FOLLOW the directions.
Im back in MSP! Finished the test in about 5 hours. Got my beehind handed to me a little bit in the ATC scenario but overall I think I did well.
Anybody have a ballpark idea of when testing for Pubnat7 will end?
I haven't seen anyone listed with a test date in July so perhaps it will be done by the end of the month.

Just curious as to when the wait for geoprefs can officially begin. :cool:
Anybody have a ballpark idea of when testing for Pubnat7 will end?
I haven't seen anyone listed with a test date in July so perhaps it will be done by the end of the month.

Just curious as to when the wait for geoprefs can officially begin. :cool:
The AT-SAT scheduled at BWI runs June 22 through June 29, 2009. I am scheduled for June 29th!
I took mine on the 19th and I believe mine was the last date (I gave myself as much time to study as possible). I'm still waiting for my score (impatiently):panic: I just hope we are given a fair shot at getting hired. I'm going to do everything in my power to get my name in front of as many people as I can. Anyone else been up in a tower and plugged in to listen? I did it in the ATL tower and... wow! It was awesome.:rawk: Do you think getting your name in front of as many people as possible is a good idea, or do you think it would be detrimental?
I took mine on the 19th and I believe mine was the last date (I gave myself as much time to study as possible). I'm still waiting for my score (impatiently):panic: I just hope we are given a fair shot at getting hired. I'm going to do everything in my power to get my name in front of as many people as I can. Anyone else been up in a tower and plugged in to listen? I did it in the ATL tower and... wow! It was awesome.:rawk: Do you think getting your name in front of as many people as possible is a good idea, or do you think it would be detrimental?

As long as they don't think you're a total [edit: Think Summers Eve, Messengill, etc..], It can only help! Good luck!
I just got my score and I got a 98.2:rawk: and I thought I did terribly so everyone who is freaking out just relax and learn as much as you can in the mean time.
Looking like you guys smoked it this time around. I'm anxious to see the scores of the people fretting about the test *cough*MariaChi*cough*