PUBNAT7 One week only.

I'm trying to practice ATSenarions of the CD tonight and it is horrible!!!

You have to click on the airplane 10 times before it lights up and you can do smth with it...And if it's on "fast" speed, 3 steps and it's on the other side of the screen! I've never seen that even when I did a facility tour:laff:

rrrrrrrrrr :argue:
4. Dials = 2.047
1. Applied Math = 5.923
5. Scan = 1.336
3. Angles = 4.003
6. Letter Factory = .966
2. ATST = 4.962
8. Analogies = .127
7. Experience Questionnaire = .577

I'm not sure how accurate that is...but what's what I hear...:pirate:

That seems right, (not the actual %) but the fact that math is weighed the most. When I took the test, our facilitator told us math is weighed the most.
I'm trying to practice ATSenarions of the CD tonight and it is horrible!!!

You have to click on the airplane 10 times before it lights up and you can do smth with it...And if it's on "fast" speed, 3 steps and it's on the other side of the screen! I've never seen that even when I did a facility tour:laff:

rrrrrrrrrr :argue:

It moves quite a bit slower on the actual test. Well, I practiced once using the JJ website, and the actual ATSAT was much slower. I was having trouble keeping the planes moving on the fastest speed without losing track of them when practicing, but during the actual test I was able to pretty much keep them all moving fast, right up till the airport to land.
I'm trying to practice ATSenarions of the CD tonight and it is horrible!!!

You have to click on the airplane 10 times before it lights up and you can do smth with it...And if it's on "fast" speed, 3 steps and it's on the other side of the screen! I've never seen that even when I did a facility tour:laff:

rrrrrrrrrr :argue:

The real ATST is much easier. Just watch out for the wall and the actual airport so you won't crash. We all try our best to have no seperation errors but it will happen. Try to get "all" the airplanes in and out of the airport efficiently, because you'll run out of time.

If I remember correctly, there are 4 different ATST scenerio to do. I remember crashing one of the airplanes because I got close to the airport (although I thought I had enough room) and got a 95% on it. Yes after each scenerio, you get your score, unless this has changed. ATST was the only test that gave you a score.

So even if you crash an airplane, you still have hope. Just try not to crash =)

Hope this helps.
The real ATST is much easier. Just watch out for the wall and the actual airport so you won't crash. We all try our best to have no seperation errors but it will happen. Try to get "all" the airplanes in and out of the airport efficiently, because you'll run out of time.

If I remember correctly, there are 4 different ATST scenerio to do. I remember crashing one of the airplanes because I got close to the airport (although I thought I had enough room) and got a 95% on it. Yes after each scenerio, you get your score, unless this has changed. ATST was the only test that gave you a score.

So even if you crash an airplane, you still have hope. Just try not to crash =)

Hope this helps.

How many airports are there? and if there seems to be an oncoming separation error can you descend one to avoid it?.....does altitude level changes take a few seconds or is it instantaneous?
How many airports are there? and if there seems to be an oncoming separation error can you descend one to avoid it?.....does altitude level changes take a few seconds or is it instantaneous?

Two airports, four departure gates. Yes, if you notice an impending conflict, you can descend/climb one to prevent it. It is pretty much instantaneous I believe.
I wonder how much it will deduct from your score if not all of your planes are landed or handed off?

Taking my test tomorrow morning...EEEEK! :eek: Leaving for chicago in about an hour......

Here goes nuthin! "Big sky....lots of space......big sky.....lots of space....."
I wonder how much it will deduct from your score if not all of your planes are landed or handed off?

Taking my test tomorrow morning...EEEEK! :eek: Leaving for chicago in about an hour......

Here goes nuthin! "Big sky....lots of space......big sky.....lots of space....."

Good luck! Don't be "no fly zone"
Darnit. See, now I'm in the hotel in Chicago...... been sitting here doing spatial reasoning stuff and 10-key exercises. Hubby's not going to get here from MEM until 2100 tonight..... I'm gonna get all wiggy before the night is out! Anyone else here already?
My test is tomorrow too, but its in Long Island. I'm debating if I should study, or if I should just take a breather and relax a bit. :crazy:
T minus 9 1/2 hours until doors close......... what the heck am I still doing up!?

Gettin' wiggy with it!:nana2::buck::laff::eek::crazy:

See ya'll tomorrow!
Oh, great!!! Thank you!!! You truely shouldn't have said that! LOL

What was the hardest part? Did you study alot? What materials did you use to study? How did you study for SCAN: Green Book CD or Jeremy's Game? Was math only D=S*T or you had to use other formulas?
How many planes are there on ATSenarios at a time and I've heard you can't study to, hmm, what's the name of it, "accept handoffs" airplanes, and what does it means and how do you do it?...How was the vocab on analogies? Could you, please, may be give some tips on how else to study?

thanks thanks thanks

and yes, congrats on completion of the test!!! I'm sure you'll get your score tomorrow!:clap:

The hardest part of the test for me was the letter factory since I didn't have anything to practice with.

The only studying that I did was on Jeremy's website practicing the Scan and AT scenarios.

Math was basically just that, D=S*T or some variation of it. They do throw in a couple of extras like headwind and tailwind but it gives you how to calculate speed with headwind and tailwind at the top of every question.

For the AT Scenarios there were several planes on the screen. To accept a handoff you just have to click on the plane once, (the plane will be white until you click on it). Then after the next screen refresh the plane will change to green like the rest of the planes and you can start to give it instructions.

The vocab on the analogies was pretty easy.

I recommend practicing the Scan and AT scenarios on Jeremy's site as this is what helped me the most with the test.
The hardest part of the test for me was the letter factory since I didn't have anything to practice with.

The only studying that I did was on Jeremy's website practicing the Scan and AT scenarios.

Math was basically just that, D=S*T or some variation of it. They do throw in a couple of extras like headwind and tailwind but it gives you how to calculate speed with headwind and tailwind at the top of every question.

For the AT Scenarios there were several planes on the screen. To accept a handoff you just have to click on the plane once, (the plane will be white until you click on it). Then after the next screen refresh the plane will change to green like the rest of the planes and you can start to give it instructions.

The vocab on the analogies was pretty easy.

I recommend practicing the Scan and AT scenarios on Jeremy's site as this is what helped me the most with the test.

Thank you very much for this feedback!;)

There are a lot of people taking test today. Could you, please, give some examples of the questions in the letter factory. Thanks to everyone!:beer:
Thank you very much for this feedback!;)

There are a lot of people taking test today. Could you, please, give some examples of the questions in the letter factory. Thanks to everyone!:beer:
It's usually stuff like "which letter is needed next to complete the box in lane 2?"

"Which color box needs to be ordered next?"

"How many hairs have you pulled out of your head since the last question?"

Stuff like that :D
Thank you very much for this feedback!;)

There are a lot of people taking test today. Could you, please, give some examples of the questions in the letter factory. Thanks to everyone!:beer:

The Letter factory will ask you questions like:
--What color box did you put into the loading lane last?
--What caused you to put that color box into the loading lane?
--Which belt has the lowest available line?
--Assuming you placed all the needed boxes in the loading lane and all the letters in those boxes how many boxes would you have left?
--What letters would be required to fill those boxes?

Things of that nature. This part of the test really drove me loopy :insane:.
It's usually stuff like "which letter is needed next to complete the box in lane 2?"

"Which color box needs to be ordered next?"

"How many hairs have you pulled out of your head since the last question?"

Stuff like that :D


Thanks for the answers. Wow!!! How deep can they dig?!?:eek:

Today's survivors will be here any moment now...