PUBNAT7 One week only.

Back to business:

:confused: - Is that ok to fly over airports in ATSenarios?

Thanks to all:love:

p.s Everyone who takes the test tomorrow - God be with ya
and let me know if you felt like you didn't do well...:cool: I can't wait to have a talk with "one of the above" ...:bandit:
Guess what? It's me again:crazy:

The more I learn, the more I learn how little I know. -- Socrates



When you do the math or dials, is there a timer that tells you how much time you got left or "when it's over - it's over, too bad so sad"?

Back to business:

:confused: - Is that ok to fly over airports in ATSenarios?

Thanks to all:love:

p.s Everyone who takes the test tomorrow - God be with ya
and let me know if you felt like you didn't do well...:cool: I can't wait to have a talk with "one of the above" ...:bandit:

No. I think you either get a proceduralr error or the planes crash...can't remember which (I never did it), but I know it's not allowed.
Guess what? It's me again:crazy:

The more I learn, the more I learn how little I know. -- Socrates



When you do the math or dials, is there a timer that tells you how much time you got left or "when it's over - it's over, too bad so sad"?


I'm not sure, but I don't think there was anyone in my testing "class" that didn't finish those sections before time ran out. Just take a watch with you and note what time you start the section and what time you have to finish it by if you are worried about it. I finished in about half the time they alloted. Take a deep breath and relax, those sections are going to be the 2 easiest on the test.
Hi all,

Just got home from the AT-SAT.

Here's what I learned today:

Is that ok to fly over airports in ATSenarios?
--No the plane will crash, this happened to me 2 times but the good thing is those were the only planes I crashed. :banghead:


When you do the math or dials, is there a timer that tells you how much time you got left or "when it's over - it's over, too bad so sad"?
--There is a Timer to let you know how much time you have left as well as how many questions you have left.

If anyone has anymore questions please feel free to ask while it's fresh in my mind.
Hi all,

Just got home from the AT-SAT.

Here's what I learned today:

Is that ok to fly over airports in ATSenarios?
--No the plane will crash, this happened to me 2 times. :banghead:


When you do the math or dials, is there a timer that tells you how much time you got left or "when it's over - it's over, too bad so sad"?
--There is a Timer to let you know how much time you have left as well as how many questions you have left.

If anyone has anymore questions please feel free to ask while it's fresh in my mind.

Oh, great!!! Thank you!!! You truely shouldn't have said that! LOL

What was the hardest part? Did you study alot? What materials did you use to study? How did you study for SCAN: Green Book CD or Jeremy's Game? Was math only D=S*T or you had to use other formulas?
How many planes are there on ATSenarios at a time and I've heard you can't study to, hmm, what's the name of it, "accept handoffs" airplanes, and what does it means and how do you do it?...How was the vocab on analogies? Could you, please, may be give some tips on how else to study?

thanks thanks thanks

and yes, congrats on completion of the test!!! I'm sure you'll get your score tomorrow!:clap:
4. Dials = 2.047
1. Applied Math = 5.923
5. Scan = 1.336
3. Angles = 4.003
6. Letter Factory = .966
2. ATST = 4.962
8. Analogies = .127
7. Experience Questionnaire = .577

I'm not sure how accurate that is...but what's what I hear...:pirate:
4. Dials = 2.047
1. Applied Math = 5.923
5. Scan = 1.336
3. Angles = 4.003
6. Letter Factory = .966
2. ATST = 4.962
8. Analogies = .127
7. Experience Questionnaire = .577

I'm not sure how accurate that is...but what's what I hear...:pirate:

is that how much each section is weighted?