PUBNAT7 One week only.

Hey All-This is in response to an email I sent to a current Center Training Manager. Does not paint a good picture for us PUBNAT7'ers. A lot hinges on the NATCA contract negotiations as well I'm sure. Anyways, just thought this may be interesting to some of you.

The hiring picture is not really bright at the current time. The FAA is
currently overhired on the controller front by about 150 nationwide. We
are experiencing fewer than expected retirements as well as a decrease in
air traffic nationwide. The FAA is in the process of re-evaluating all
facility staffing numbers so I can not even give you a guess of where the
facilities will fall hiring wise. The selection panel was in OKC the end
of April and did most of the hiring for 2010. The selection panel will
meet again in August if we still need to hire for 2010, but nothing is for
sure at this point. The next time the panel will be hiring would be
November. They meet once per quarter as needed. They will be looking at PUBNAT7 in August or the next time they meet. They can only select from candidates that scored an 85 or better on the ATSAT test. So if you scored at least and 85 your name should come up. Sorry that I can not help you more.
Hey All-This is in response to an email I sent to a current Center Training Manager. Does not paint a good picture for us PUBNAT7'ers. A lot hinges on the NATCA contract negotiations as well I'm sure. Anyways, just thought this may be interesting to some of you.

The hiring picture is not really bright at the current time. The FAA is
currently overhired on the controller front by about 150 nationwide. We
are experiencing fewer than expected retirements as well as a decrease in
air traffic nationwide. The FAA is in the process of re-evaluating all
facility staffing numbers so I can not even give you a guess of where the
facilities will fall hiring wise. The selection panel was in OKC the end
of April and did most of the hiring for 2010. The selection panel will
meet again in August if we still need to hire for 2010, but nothing is for
sure at this point. The next time the panel will be hiring would be
November. They meet once per quarter as needed. They will be looking at PUBNAT7 in August or the next time they meet. They can only select from candidates that scored an 85 or better on the ATSAT test. So if you scored at least and 85 your name should come up. Sorry that I can not help you more.

Interesting...very very interesting
Well found that i submitted no to one the signature questions (out of like 8, i said yes to all but one [dont ask me how...]) so i guess im out of the running for PUBNAT7.

So that's PUBNAT4/5/6/7 no bueno. I guess it's a sign for me to finish my degree! It's been fun! I guess i'll see everyone in a years time....or more. :(
Explain? Which 8 questions?

The questions like :

"Do you understand falsifying information on this application is grounds for removal"

"Anything you submit can be reviewed per presidential order"

Towards the end of the application where you submit like the signature questions.

Theres 8 and you say yes to all. Somehow i said no to one of them...!:beer:
The questions like :

"Do you understand falsifying information on this application is grounds for removal"

"Anything you submit can be reviewed per presidential order"

Towards the end of the application where you submit like the signature questions.

Theres 8 and you say yes to all. Somehow i said no to one of them...!:beer:
How do you know this?


Stuff happens though. Whatever, i'm gonna finish my ATC degree and apply through a CTI announcement.

Thank god, i had a back up plan and was attending CTI in the mean time!:clap:

Stuff happens though. Whatever, i'm gonna finish my ATC degree and apply through a CTI announcement.

Thank god, i had a back up plan and was attending CTI in the mean time!:clap:
That's always good to hear! Good luck finishing your degree!

Stuff happens though. Whatever, i'm gonna finish my ATC degree and apply through a CTI announcement.

Thank god, i had a back up plan and was attending CTI in the mean time!:clap:

I hear you there. That stinks though man. Vortmax's post makes things seem uncertain for the public route but I would much rather kick in the door sooner than later. I can't see the CTI degree doing anything more than the academy will for me with the exception of street credit with the FAA... Just an extra couple hoops... whatever it takes to get the same end result!
I hear you there. That stinks though man. Vortmax's post makes things seem uncertain for the public route but I would much rather kick in the door sooner than later. I can't see the CTI degree doing anything more than the academy will for me with the exception of street credit with the FAA... Just an extra couple hoops... whatever it takes to get the same end result!

Yeah most definitely. It's crappy, but what am i gonna do? Now i gotta pay to say "hey look at me, i paid to learn the same stuff they're teaching at the academy!"


But i agree, i'm gonna do whatever it takes to get the same end result!
Got it. That's a crappy way of not getting to proceed with the process!

Yeah but it's only my fault, no one elses. I should of payed more attention. I guess it just got repetitive submitting the same application over and over...
Hey All-This is in response to an email I sent to a current Center Training Manager. Does not paint a good picture for us PUBNAT7'ers. A lot hinges on the NATCA contract negotiations as well I'm sure. Anyways, just thought this may be interesting to some of you.

The hiring picture is not really bright at the current time. The FAA is
currently overhired on the controller front by about 150 nationwide. We
are experiencing fewer than expected retirements as well as a decrease in
air traffic nationwide. The FAA is in the process of re-evaluating all
facility staffing numbers so I can not even give you a guess of where the
facilities will fall hiring wise. The selection panel was in OKC the end
of April and did most of the hiring for 2010. The selection panel will
meet again in August if we still need to hire for 2010, but nothing is for
sure at this point. The next time the panel will be hiring would be
November. They meet once per quarter as needed. They will be looking at PUBNAT7 in August or the next time they meet. They can only select from candidates that scored an 85 or better on the ATSAT test. So if you scored at least and 85 your name should come up. Sorry that I can not help you more.
Interesting indeed. If true, I'm SOL.
Hey All-This is in response to an email I sent to a current Center Training Manager. Does not paint a good picture for us PUBNAT7'ers. A lot hinges on the NATCA contract negotiations as well I'm sure. Anyways, just thought this may be interesting to some of you.

The hiring picture is not really bright at the current time. The FAA is
currently overhired on the controller front by about 150 nationwide. We
are experiencing fewer than expected retirements as well as a decrease in
air traffic nationwide. The FAA is in the process of re-evaluating all
facility staffing numbers so I can not even give you a guess of where the
facilities will fall hiring wise. The selection panel was in OKC the end
of April and did most of the hiring for 2010. The selection panel will
meet again in August if we still need to hire for 2010, but nothing is for
sure at this point. The next time the panel will be hiring would be
November. They meet once per quarter as needed. They will be looking at PUBNAT7 in August or the next time they meet. They can only select from candidates that scored an 85 or better on the ATSAT test. So if you scored at least and 85 your name should come up. Sorry that I can not help you more.

uh does this mean even if we do score greater than an 85 our chances of getting in are small?