PUBNAT7 One week only.

But not a true curve. If everyone took the test at the same time and received their scores at the same time this would be feasible. But since, for example, I took the test 2 weeks ago and received my scores last week you can not base the scores on a true bell curve with everyone else testing for this cycle. I'm sure they have some crazy algorithm they paid someone way to much money to come up with to score the test. Or, more likely, they just look at the name on the exam and give you a score based on how cool it sounds...

Okay...100% doesn't mean 100% questions correct. It means 100% qualified. It's an aptitude test...not a comprehension test.
Okay...100% doesn't mean 100% questions correct. It means 100% qualified. It's an aptitude test...not a comprehension test. is the SAT and ACT but if someone scores a perfect score does that mean they DIDN'T get all the questions right?! Makes ya think!
Anybody know when the panel's gonna take place? My HR Rep told me sometime in August, then the same day emailed me back saying she heard it may be sometime in September. Anybody else have anything more concrete? is the SAT and ACT but if someone scores a perfect score does that mean they DIDN'T get all the questions right?! Makes ya think!

The SAT and ACT are used as aptitute tests, but they really arn't. What they really do is test your comprehension of all the things you learned in High School.

They don't test your ability to study, cheat, play nice with your roommates, or your alcohol tollerance. Then they would be aptitude tests.
The SAT and ACT are used as aptitute tests, but they really arn't. What they really do is test your comprehension of all the things you learned in High School.

They don't test your ability to study, cheat, play nice with your roommates, or your alcohol tollerance. Then they would be aptitude tests.
There's an aptitude test for alcohol tolerance??? :rawk:
Cheers to the prospect of panels for Pubnat7 in August!
I don't even want to think about how long the next Pubnat is going to have to wait, especially if Pubnat7 is any indicator.

If there is a PEPC scheduled for September, then August panels seem to be logical. I'm crossing my fingers at least.... :panic:'s called college

Pretty sure college was just an exercise in consuming the cheapest liquor in mass quantities... that, and finding creative ways to try and hook up. Maybe not so much of an aptitude test as a Darwinian system of survival of the fittest. Not everyone makes it out of college alive, you know...

Now that we've gotten this thread COMPLETELY off topic... Who wants the over/under on the Geo Pref e-mails going out before Aug. 15th?
ATSAT done today. I had a screaming headache after the AT Scenarios... I was thinking to myself oh this isn't that bad then boom, started popping up all over the screen :buck: Needless to say I came home and died for a couple hours. Cheers to having that thing done.
ATSAT done today. I had a screaming headache after the AT Scenarios... I was thinking to myself oh this isn't that bad then boom, started popping up all over the screen :buck: Needless to say I came home and died for a couple hours. Cheers to having that thing done.

oh don't worry about those booms...I had about 12 of them :D