PUBNAT7 One week only.

Hmm i dont believe so.

Are you sure they werent CTI? I know if CTI, you dont have to have a WQ to be hired. It was under my presumption, they can only hire Q applicants once they've chosen everyone from the WQ group, with the exception being 2. I dont believe that was the case?

Prettyyyyy sure I saw an OTS with Q get an offer over on SM. Too lazy to look for it though.
Could ya please look for it? :D

I'm on SM too and i havent seen anyone get picked up with a Q.

Yeah, he made an 81 and got selected for a state that wasn't even on his geo prefs. Crazy! OTS too, I think.

It's on the "what states did you get rejected from" thread on page 1, half way down. He could be just trying to ruffle some feathers too, and be making up his score or that he got picked up. You never know.
Whats it matter what the score is? Are you getting a little upset that someone may have scored lower than you but still made it to the academy?

Haha am i getting upset? Far from, people have scored lower than me before, and got picked up. I'm not upset at all, so please, i can totally sense your "see, see, someone can make it" attitude a mile away. I even see you had to edit your previous post because of your "anger" or whatever.

Whats it matter with the score is that there are guidelines in terms of getting picked up. It would be the first time someone in the past 4 announcements that someone got picked up with a Qualified. I just want to see who it is to see if they're BS'ing considering that as i said before, they have to chose out of the WQ status (everyone, but 2) before they can move to the Q status.
Yeah, he made an 81 and got selected for a state that wasn't even on his geo prefs. Crazy! OTS too, I think.

It's on the "what states did you get rejected from" thread on page 1, half way down. He could be just trying to ruffle some feathers too, and be making up his score or that he got picked up. You never know.

Okay i'm blind! Can you help a brother out here, i cant find it?!:buck:

K, found it!

Interesting! Good to hear! However, his father-in-law is a controller. I'm sure some pull was from that!
Okay i'm blind! Can you help a brother out here, i cant find it?!:buck:

K, found it!

Interesting! Good to hear! However, his father-in-law is a controller. I'm sure some pull was from that!
I knew I wasn't crazy! MMPI here I come!
Haha am i getting upset? Far from, people have scored lower than me before, and got picked up. I'm not upset at all, so please, i can totally sense your "see, see, someone can make it" attitude a mile away. I even see you had to edit your previous post because of your "anger" or whatever.

Whats it matter with the score is that there are guidelines in terms of getting picked up. It would be the first time someone in the past 4 announcements that someone got picked up with a Qualified. I just want to see who it is to see if they're BS'ing considering that as i said before, they have to chose out of the WQ status (everyone, but 2) before they can move to the Q status.

I'm sorry I edited a post. I did not want to come off as a complete . But I guess we are all gonna find out that I am now.

What makes you an expert as to what scores are picked up and when. I know I don't have a great score. I know that if I get picked up that it will probably be in the armpit of America. I understand this. We should not have to 'prove' to you whether or not someone is BSing. Again what do you care if they are qualified or well-qualified. You don't make the damn decision. They can say one thing all they want on the internet. The application process will clear them up and drop them as necessary. Get off your damn high horse. As soon as you are writing the policy as to who does and does not get selected then you can tell me that my score is not good enough and that I should pursue CTI.

ATC was second on my list, bring a pilot was first. I am a student at ERAU. I know about the CTI program. Had I wanted to be a controller first, I would have gone that route. And no I'm not BSing...

To all those that are waiting for their scores or are have their scores and are in the qualified and well qualified category, congrats and I hope you make it to your facility of choice. To those that did not do as well as they hoped, I am sorry to hear that. Good luck to you for next years test and I hope to see you in the future.
This does not apply to anyones comments previous, but is it even possible or has anyone heard anything about someone failing the atsat?

I know it is Q or WQ, but isn't it scored on a curve going off of what others have scored? That makes it seem like the scoring curve only goes from 70-100 and depending on the curve your score and how well you did on the test would fall somewhere within the middle.

I think it would have to be impossible for someone to get a true 100% meaning they did not miss one analogy, math problem or various portion of the test. but if your score was in the top 1 percent of applicants then you get the 100%, and 85 would become the average point meaning you either were above average or WQ or below average Q.

Again this does not pertain to anyone elses scores just something I thought about after reading some threads while I was bored, and since 7 is in the testing stage figured this would be the best place to post it.
This does not apply to anyones comments previous, but is it even possible or has anyone heard anything about someone failing the atsat?

I know it is Q or WQ, but isn't it scored on a curve going off of what others have scored? That makes it seem like the scoring curve only goes from 70-100 and depending on the curve your score and how well you did on the test would fall somewhere within the middle.

I think it would have to be impossible for someone to get a true 100% meaning they did not miss one analogy, math problem or various portion of the test. but if your score was in the top 1 percent of applicants then you get the 100%, and 85 would become the average point meaning you either were above average or WQ or below average Q.

Again this does not pertain to anyone elses scores just something I thought about after reading some threads while I was bored, and since 7 is in the testing stage figured this would be the best place to post it.

I don't know the real answer to this question, but here is my personal theory: I don't think the score is based on a 0-100 percent scale, but I don't think it's based on a true curve, either. I think it's probably a hybrid of both. I also think that certain sections of the test are weighted differently than others.

I have not heard of anyone scoring less than a 70, but I doubt even if someone did they would post it on any ATC-related forum.
I'm sorry I edited a post. I did not want to come off as a complete . But I guess we are all gonna find out that I am now.

What makes you an expert as to what scores are picked up and when. I know I don't have a great score. I know that if I get picked up that it will probably be in the armpit of America. I understand this. We should not have to 'prove' to you whether or not someone is BSing. Again what do you care if they are qualified or well-qualified. You don't make the damn decision. They can say one thing all they want on the internet. The application process will clear them up and drop them as necessary. Get off your damn high horse. As soon as you are writing the policy as to who does and does not get selected then you can tell me that my score is not good enough and that I should pursue CTI.

ATC was second on my list, bring a pilot was first. I am a student at ERAU. I know about the CTI program. Had I wanted to be a controller first, I would have gone that route. And no I'm not BSing...

To all those that are waiting for their scores or are have their scores and are in the qualified and well qualified category, congrats and I hope you make it to your facility of choice. To those that did not do as well as they hoped, I am sorry to hear that. Good luck to you for next years test and I hope to see you in the future.

You're taking this WAY too literal and offensive. My original post was not to come off offensive what so ever, if it did, it wasnt my intention.

And i'm no expert at all, i'm simply saying what i've been told from the "higher ups" from facilities or Oklahoma.

And i get off my high horse? I give friendly advice that you can have a MUCH better chance (hell, almost a guarantee shot!) if you go through CTI and apply. Sorry, i guess i should be an ATM before giving advice...:rolleyes:

You know what, have fun in the process bro. I've been in the process for a fairly decent amount of time and havent been picked up in the past 3 announcements, all i'm hoping for anyone else is to share my knowledge and experience with this process so they can further get hired, and/or speed up their own process. Hell that's why i'm in the CTI program too! I had it as a backup plan, and it's paying off now.

And i dont believe i said anywhere you're BS'ing...just that someone might be on the qualified part getting picked up. I was wrong on that, plain and simple. You're not the first of wanting to be a pilot, then switching to ATC. I'm a living testament to it also. However, if you only had 250TT with a wet commercial ticket, and someone told you "sorry you didnt get the first job flying jumpers, build another 200TT and it should help!" i wouldnt take that as offensive, i'd rather take it into consideration if i'm really serious about entering the field...
The test definitely has a curve.

But not a true curve. If everyone took the test at the same time and received their scores at the same time this would be feasible. But since, for example, I took the test 2 weeks ago and received my scores last week you can not base the scores on a true bell curve with everyone else testing for this cycle. I'm sure they have some crazy algorithm they paid someone way to much money to come up with to score the test. Or, more likely, they just look at the name on the exam and give you a score based on how cool it sounds...
Okay Work All Day.

There is a system. Those who hire are required to interview every Well Qualified applicant (except for 2...don't know why) before they are allowed to turn to the Qualified list.

Since there are literally thousands of applicants waiting to interview and plenty on JC and SM who are Well Qualified and waiting, the theory was that it was statistically impossible for a Qualified applicant to be invited to interview.

There was obviously something else going on with this guy on SM that made up for his Qualified score. The score is very important, but there are other factors to selection and we just can't guess them all.

As far as we can tell, this is the first time anyone with a Qualified score has been selected OTS. So besides some of us questioning it, it is a natural curiosity. Many of us have been around learning about this process for quite a long time, but we are still learning and every detail interests us.

We are not trying to judge you. I also found exceptions to the rules to try and give myself some hope that my husband might be selected for 5/6 even though he only applied to 4. It was not technically impossible. So I held onto it and got let down of course.

Honestly, we are trying to save you potentially years of your life. We've been strung along by the FAA even with our WQ scores and we just don't want you to be let down like that.

My heart goes out to you for your score. Especially since you know you can do better. If I might offer a suggestion I would say to focus on being a pilot for now and enjoy any pleasant suprises you might get from ATC. Make sure that you apply in July and January and take the test again in a year. You'll do way better.