PUBNAT7 One week only.

I'm worried now:confused: Has anybody from Illinois got scheduled for test yet?

(PUBNAT 7 applicants)

Thank you

Call OKC. You can find the number in the announcement that you applied for. In other news, just got my ATSAT score this morning. 94.5...decent, I guess. :buck:
So... for those of you that say you will go anywhere. I was speaking with a "higher up" that was down in Oklahoma city a few weeks ago selecting people... anyways this person said that they were having a hard time getting people to go to Casper, Wyoming.. This caught my attention because I spent the last few years in Wyoming and loved living out there...
The funny thing buddy from school applied under pub 5 and put down TN and Co and was selected for Casper... Anyways he turned it down for a girl. Which I think is silly because they tell you that only 2 in 100 applicants are offered a job.

So...just a thought...if you really want in...and like to camp, hunt and fish....Wyoming might not be so bad. Get your foot in the door.
I don't know if they're necessarily having "quartely" panels...and given that it's the FAA, who knows what they'll decide. I have no idea how quickly or how slowly this will all take place, but I'm gonna guess it's going to be slow.

There was just someone who had his offer withdrawn. Within the withdrawal, they did say that there is another panel scheduled for August. The e-mail was pasted within the thread so I would assume that it's legit.

Good Luck!
There was just someone who had his offer withdrawn. Within the withdrawal, they did say that there is another panel scheduled for August. The e-mail was pasted within the thread so I would assume that it's legit.

Good Luck!

Well that's the first bit of encouraging news I've heard in a while. I hope that turns out to be true. August isn't that far away. :nana2:
Its not in the well qualified range, but I didnt score as well as I wanted. I should have studied a little sooner and gone to bed sooner.
Its not in the well qualified range, but I didnt score as well as I wanted. I should have studied a little sooner and gone to bed sooner.

I'm not sure if you guys have seen the eastwood commerical (car insurance)

But there slogan comes to mind:

Should of, could of, eeeeeast wood of.

Well its not the end of the world. The best of luck to you :)
Its not in the well qualified range, but I didnt score as well as I wanted. I should have studied a little sooner and gone to bed sooner.

Awww shucks.

If i could make a suggestion, you might want to start looking at the CTI way to get into it. Qualified applicants dont make it in OTS. :(
There was someone who was selected last week I believe who was OTS and only scored Q. Can't think of the name though.
There was someone who was selected last week I believe who was OTS and only scored Q. Can't think of the name though.

Hmm i dont believe so.

Are you sure they werent CTI? I know if CTI, you dont have to have a WQ to be hired. It was under my presumption, they can only hire Q applicants once they've chosen everyone from the WQ group, with the exception being 2. I dont believe that was the case?