PUBNAT7 One week only.

Ok heres a question. I got the e-mail and tried to schedule the test for Sat June 6th. It is full so I just picked the 5th. I cannot really make any other day than the 6th and even then it is a long shot. Its in Phoenix BTW. My problem is I am getting married a week after that and I cannot take anymore time off work.

Will the FAA let me take it some other time or do I have to take it during this time frame?
Ok heres a question. I got the e-mail and tried to schedule the test for Sat June 6th. It is full so I just picked the 5th. I cannot really make any other day than the 6th and even then it is a long shot. Its in Phoenix BTW. My problem is I am getting married a week after that and I cannot take anymore time off work.

Will the FAA let me take it some other time or do I have to take it during this time frame?

They're pretty rigid about where and when you take it. I was afraid I was going to run into the same problem. My AT-SAT ended up being 3 weeks before my wedding. Your best bet is to call aviation careers, since Robinson Aviation (the guys who actually run the test) probably won't be able to tell you much.
allin ballin or anyone else know how the vacancies are looking after pubhi? Last I talked to hcf manager it sounded good if you score well on the atsat.
allin ballin or anyone else know how the vacancies are looking after pubhi? Last I talked to hcf manager it sounded good if you score well on the atsat.

Hey captain crashmo,

As far as HCF goes, I'm not sure what the staffing levels are. Only thing I know is that you need clearance to get to the tower because it's at Hickam.
I hope that all of you who are anxious for this test have been blessed with the patience it takes to get through this process :)
I hope that all of you who are anxious for this test have been blessed with the patience it takes to get through this process :)

Yup! I'm coming up on my 1 yr anniversary in a few days! And that's b/c I didn't get chosen for the states I picked in PUBNAT2
I got a voicemail from a buddy today who got his email. Do they do the emails in huge batches or does it take a few days for all the emails for a state to go out?
June 29th, Lisle, IL. Located in KY. I did myself a favor and didn't check ASAP until they emailed me. Stress free process really. :)
I see you had Louisiana at one point. What happened there?

Oh, you'll find a thread on here for those Louisiana people too! Basically, a bunch of PUBNAT2 rejects got an email (way after we thought emails were done), asking if we'd consider LA. If we did, they asked us to rank the airports there by our preference. Then they put us all back into a pool and picked a few, but as luck would have it, I wasn't one those!

So here's to my 1 year anniversary (in 3 days!) :rawk: