PUBNAT7 One week only.

The calls have gone out. Check your e-mail. Fiancée got the email the other day.

But then again, that's for the ATSAT up here, not sure about you lower 48ers.

Oh, and for the record. Be nice to AV careers. You never know when you will need them. They know more than you think they do.
I'm still not even officially authorized or not authorized to take the test. Perhaps I should call someone.

Yo, bro, I mean this with the most sincere regard but you're sounding incredibly redundant with your posts. We know you didn't get the authorization - it's because YOU JUST TOOK THE TEST. The test is good for 2 years. You know that, it's been posted. You got a WQ score, sit back and be content for the time being. Their not going to send you in to take the same test just a few months later. You've got your score, your on a list, whether you get picked up or not is another story. Not trying to come across harsh but I think you've posted a similar message at least 5 times - and I only went back a page or two.

The economy sucks, people want this gig, I get it. But posting the same message here over and over again will get you no where. And yes, perhaps you should call someone - try OKC.
Yes sir. I will do exactly that.

I won't repeat myself, because I don't want to bore you, but you plainly weren't reading my posts very clearly, as I clearly explained that I understand I'm not supposed to be taking the test. That wasn't the issue. Obviously you don't care though, so I won't bother explaining myself again.

For a message board where people are just supposed to calmly discuss this process, there sure are a lot of short-fused folks on here.

Everyone else has at least attempted to be helpful, but the only input you seem to have provided is to tell me that I'm irritating you. Thank you for signing on long enough to criticize me for attempting to get some advice from others.

For everyone else, I will take ABP's advice and call OKC to see why I never received the message that ohiohopeful did. For the couple of other people that also didn't, I'll post what they tell me later.

That is, if it's not too redundant for ABP.
For a message board where people are just supposed to calmly discuss this process, there sure are a lot of short-fused folks on here.
Haha! I agree. I haven't gotten into an online brawl yet with anyone, but there sure are some sensitive folks on here who seem to know everything and have super secret squirrel contacts.
Haha! I agree. I haven't gotten into an online brawl yet with anyone, but there sure are some sensitive folks on here who seem to know everything and have super secret squirrel contacts.

That is because you don't wake up every morning thinking about all of the reasons why you should be pissed for the day & engage in an online argument. I would like to personally thank you on behalf of the normal people in this world.
Man, you potential ATC'ers sure can be cranky! :)

JFK bound, everyone? :)
Man, you potential ATC'ers sure can be cranky! :)

JFK bound, everyone? :)

Cranky, true true. Haha, wait until they plug in with their trainers at the facility. Now that, my friends, is when they'll see cranky.

I wasn't trying to stir things up, nor cause an 'online brawl.' I just posted what I saw to be an obvious reality. And I tried doing so in a tactful manner. But, as always, emotions are not always conveyed properly when we type messages online. Maybe I should've used some of these --> :crazy::banghead::hiya::panic::p
I just called the 405 number that is posts in ASAP when you get authorized to take the test. She said that the testing for PUBNAT7 has been delayed a little while and I probably won't hear anything until June or July. That sucks! :(
I just called the 405 number that is posts in ASAP when you get authorized to take the test. She said that the testing for PUBNAT7 has been delayed a little while and I probably won't hear anything until June or July. That sucks! :(

Yeah that does suck-what really sucks is that in all likelihood that REALLY means August-September! :banghead:
OMG that's just ridiculous. Over six months! Should never take more than one or two.

PUBNAT 1 and 2 generally make it to OKC in about a year. But you guys...I can't wait to see your count.

And I don't want to think about how it's going to be for 8...

...erg...and 31 is only 2 years away
Ha, forgot I even applied for it. Im off-the-street (currently an employed pilot with ATP and two jet type ratings) and just recieved the email this morning for Daytona Beach ATSAT test between Jun 4-9. Anyone know if I can change the ATSAT location relatively pain free? I lived in Jacksonville when I applied but now live in Destin (6 hours from Daytona).
Ha, forgot I even applied for it. Im off-the-street (currently an employed pilot with ATP and two jet type ratings) and just recieved the email this morning for Daytona Beach ATSAT test between Jun 4-9. Anyone know if I can change the ATSAT location relatively pain free? I lived in Jacksonville when I applied but now live in Destin (6 hours from Daytona).

Call the 405 number in the e-mail. That would be your best bet. Chances are if You are 6 hours away from Daytona Beach, it might be the closest location. I have to drive 4 Hours from Houston to take mine. Never know if you don't call, though.