PUBNAT7 One week only.

Knowing the FAA, I'm sure if you have the 3 years 'general work experience' you'll probably be authorized. I mean, has anyone actually heard of the FAA vetting these PUBNATS - that is, comparing resumes and saying yes to some and no to others for the atsat? I've taken the ATSAT twice now, once in OKC and once after CTI school and I too was authorized for PUB7. I think the real vetting happens once you get your score, then the resume might come into play. For those of you who are getting your first experiences with the FAA, fasten you seat belt. It's once screwed up, unorganized agency. But, cheers to those who got the nod.
authorized as well... I'm glad I checked this thread because I don't even remember the last time I checked ASAP before today.
W00t, authorized!

i was a little nervous when I first logged in...

Wait til you take the test and check ASAP every few hours to see if your score is posted. Then when you login to check you notice an extra block of text has been added and you start skimming through it and read "An AT-SAT score of 70 or above is necessary for passing." and have your heart sink because you saw "70" and then you read the next sentence "Your score was 100." to have your heart jump.. can't be healthy lol..

Good luck everyone!
Studying would be a complete waste of time just be familiar with what is going to be on the test, and you will have no problem its all aptitude

I'm gonna highly disagree with this statement! It is somewhat of an aptitude test, but proper planning prevents piss poor performance. Studying is NOT going to hurt you...and it is best you get real familiar with the AT-SAT. It's not a scantron and multiple choice test. Get the green book, get familiar with it, and it'll prevent any surprises. Trust me, when you get in that room, you'll be able to tell who "studied" and who didn' the amount of planes you hear crashing!
I'm still confused as to why I haven't been told I wasn't authorized for this test. I took the test with PUBNAT5, but my ASAP page says nothing about the test for this go-round.
I'm still confused as to why I haven't been told I wasn't authorized for this test. I took the test with PUBNAT5, but my ASAP page says nothing about the test for this go-round.

It's all good man. I Applied PUBNAT 7 as well and have no update on the AT-SAT list on ASAP. Most likely, it is due to the fact that we already took the AT-SAT in December, so we don't qualify to re-take it right now. They will leave us alone until Geo-Prefs come out.
It's all good man. I Applied PUBNAT 7 as well and have no update on the AT-SAT list on ASAP. Most likely, it is due to the fact that we already took the AT-SAT in December, so we don't qualify to re-take it right now. They will leave us alone until Geo-Prefs come out.

I don't qualify to take the test either because I took it in June 2008, but I have something there that actually says I'm NOT authorized to take the test for that reason.
I'm still confused as to why I haven't been told I wasn't authorized for this test. I took the test with PUBNAT5, but my ASAP page says nothing about the test for this go-round.

Because it has been less than a year since you last took the test
A friend of mine told me to check the ASAP site. I haven't checked it in over a month. Glad to find out that I'm eligible to take the test. The same friend also told me about this site. This site is great!
The authorization said that we should be hearing from them within two weeks, and I hadn't heard anything from them yet, so I called the careers division and the woman I spoke with said that they are still in the process of coordinating everything and it will:drool: be another two weeks before we hear anything. But when we do, it will be by e-mail. So sayeth the mighty careers division. :drool:
The authorization said that we should be hearing from them within two weeks, and I hadn't heard anything from them yet, so I called the careers division and the woman I spoke with said that they are still in the process of coordinating everything and it will:drool: be another two weeks before we hear anything. But when we do, it will be by e-mail. So sayeth the mighty careers division. :drool:

as long as we've already waited (and the entire length of this process), what's another 2 weeks hurt? :crazy::crazy:

The authorization said that we should be hearing from them within two weeks, and I hadn't heard anything from them yet, so I called the careers division and the woman I spoke with said that they are still in the process of coordinating everything and it will:drool: be another two weeks before we hear anything. But when we do, it will be by e-mail. So sayeth the mighty careers division. :drool:
It actually states on ASAP "a few weeks". PUBNAT5/6 had to wait 4 weeks before being authorized on ASAP before receiving the e-mail to schedule the test.
Because it has been less than a year since you last took the test

I can't say what's going on with the people who don't see anything when they log into ASAP because I've taken the test less than a year ago and it clearly states that I'm not authorized to take the test. Good luck to those when the time comes!