PSA New Hire Questions

Training costs are probably offset by a) reseting 47 airplanes worth of crews (figure about 4 crews per plane so 375 pilots) back to year 1 FO pay and b) going to a single fleet type at Envoy.

Doesn't make it any more palatable but I'm guessing that it will be a cost savings to them or they wouldn't be doing it.

Must be because a friend's husband is a check airman and has been running FO's and CA's through on the CRJ for months. What a waste--emotionally too.
Time to chase the upgrade.

What's it gonna be now?

Hey man I was a 7 year FO at XJT too (ERJ side on 8th year pay) and left for PSA earlier this year. I know it is tough to start over but it has been a great move for me. PM me and I can help you get over here without interviewing in CLT if you are interested. The upgrade time might be zero by next year if you have 1000 121 SIC, you will be in the left seat by the end of 2015. Best of luck.
I'll be quite frank, I can't sustain life on $1,800 a month. That is, unless I end up getting hired and then bang out on military leave until an upgrade comes along.

I appreciate the information @cybourg12. I'll consider it.
I'll be quite frank, I can't sustain life on $1,800 a month. That is, unless I end up getting hired and then bang out on military leave until an upgrade comes along.

I appreciate the information @cybourg12. I'll consider it.

I understand, it is tough but we have dual income that is just enough to make it. The good news is zero reserve time in TYS and only 2 months max in DAY and CLT so you can be crediting 90+ hours relatively soon but it would definitely be a pay cut from XJT 7 year pay. We might have to start some street captains in 2015/2016 if we can not recruit enough pilots with 121 time so that might be an option in the future.
The gambling continues.

We're also dual income, honestly, we're triple if not quadruple income, plus running a small business. My patience shrinks in size quite frequently, but yet here I am at what appears a dead-end company just trying to keep enough folks on property.

You and I may talk more. If you can share though, what's the training pay/benefits/accommodations like?
Training was easy, and that is coming from a guy with 5000 hrs and over 7 years on the ERJ. You won't have an issues, just have to get used to flying it a different way. Just cooperate to graduate even if it does not make sense.

Pay was 75 hrs a month during training plus per-diem 24/7 which actually added up to a nice little bit. You get a single occupancy room in DAY for all 6 weeks. I was in DAY Mon-Fri for about 6 weeks and then 1 week off before the oral in CLT and then 3 weeks off before sims in CVG. I drove home (CHA) on Friday night and back up Sunday evening so training was not that bad for me and it was worth it to see my wife and son and get away. Once you do your checkride and loft you go back to CLT for 700/900 differences training before IOE. Overall not bad all, the hardest part is the mental hurdle that you have to get over being junior once again after X amount of years at XJT but I felt it was the best decision for my career. I bet my career on PSA over XJT and so far it looks like I made the right decision. Do you live in ATL?
So will going to PSA now have any lasting career implications? Some people think yes, but arent all those GoJet guys getting out without a problem?
So will going to PSA now have any lasting career implications? Some people think yes, but arent all those GoJet guys getting out without a problem?

I highly doubt it'll have any career implications other than your career will probably progress better than if you stay at Envoy. I believe I was senior to you there and left almost a year ago on a lateral move. One guy from my new hire class also did as well (to the same airline I'm at now) and another one on this site did too. I don't think any of us have regrets.

I was on reserve my entire time at eagle. I sat reserve a grand total of 2 months at the new gig. I'm making more money on first year now then I did on reserve at eagle (especially after the time balancing went into effect). And in 24 more days I'll be making boat loads more money than I did at eagle.

It wasn't easy but we made it work (single income with a 22 month old, 7 month old, and #3 on the way).

Call me crazy, but I can't see anyone sitting on the hiring board at the legacies being butt hurt that you went to PSA.
I highly doubt it'll have any career implications other than your career will probably progress better than if you stay at Envoy. I believe I was senior to you there and left almost a year ago on a lateral move. One guy from my new hire class also did as well (to the same airline I'm at now) and another one on this site did too. I don't think any of us have regrets.

I was on reserve my entire time at eagle. I sat reserve a grand total of 2 months at the new gig. I'm making more money on first year now then I did on reserve at eagle (especially after the time balancing went into effect). And in 24 more days I'll be making boat loads more money than I did at eagle.

It wasn't easy but we made it work (single income with a 22 month old, 7 month old, and #3 on the way).

Call me crazy, but I can't see anyone sitting on the hiring board at the legacies being butt hurt that you went to PSA.

Well said and CONGRATS on #3 and making a boat load more money in 24 days. Sounds like a successful Lateral move.
Well said and CONGRATS on #3 and making a boat load more money in 24 days. Sounds like a successful Lateral move.

It was a gamble that worked out. And I didn't even make a lateral move to an airline that is/will be growing like PSA or Compass.
I highly doubt it'll have any career implications other than your career will probably progress better than if you stay at Envoy. I believe I was senior to you there and left almost a year ago on a lateral move. One guy from my new hire class also did as well (to the same airline I'm at now) and another one on this site did too. I don't think any of us have regrets.

I was on reserve my entire time at eagle. I sat reserve a grand total of 2 months at the new gig. I'm making more money on first year now then I did on reserve at eagle (especially after the time balancing went into effect). And in 24 more days I'll be making boat loads more money than I did at eagle.

It wasn't easy but we made it work (single income with a 22 month old, 7 month old, and #3 on the way).

Call me crazy, but I can't see anyone sitting on the hiring board at the legacies being butt hurt that you went to PSA.

Thanks. Its something I am considering. The biggest problem I have is I know Ill catch a lot of flak from my colleagues that I respect and admire. Id hate to lose theirs.
Nicely done! Good luck with training, let us know when you are unleashed to fly the masses!

Thanks. Been unleashed for a while. Pay raise coming at the end of the month. (Technically my 3rd pay raise in this industry - but this one gets me off first year pay - again).