We are the first group to come before the NMB for a release with the new "administration" in addition to the longest running group on the NMB list.... The company is holding up the entire contract on the dual-qual issue. The union has given proposals that while expensive to the company, would cover all pilots AND give the company what they want. We just can't dual qual with 16/140 airplanes being 900's and all the planes in one base. We need pay protections (mgmt's dream would only have us making 900 pay when operating the -900, everyone would be -200 paid for vacation, sick, training, DH,etc) and we need a way to remain current and PROFICIENT. For a #1 principle of "Never compromise safety" it really appears the company needs a revision because their manual says "Never compromise savings". I will still remain quiet until an MEC email comes out on both negotiations and the other "development" from the meeting on behalf of all memphis based pilots that has impact on all 1295 pilots of Pinnacle Inc.