

Well-Known Member
I took my private single engine land checkride today and passed! :nana2:

After a year and a half, I finally got it done. It has been an interesting few weeks to say the least. . . I was all ready (and scheduled) to take my ride in my school's Cessna 150, but someone managed to total the thing. Thinking they were low on fuel, they made a forced landing and safely landed the plane (everyone was ok), but unfortunately the plane's nose gear sunk into the soft field and flipped the plane over. At this point My instructor and I decided to complete my checkride in the school's new L.S.A - a Tecnam bravo. I ended up taking the ride a bit over 1 week after the 150 was ruined with 3 total hours in the Bravo and passed! Thanks to everyone here on JC for the good tips I found while searching through the forums.

I took my private single engine land checkride today and passed! :nana2:

After a year and a half, I finally got it done. It has been an interesting few weeks to say the least. . . I was all ready (and scheduled) to take my ride in my school's Cessna 150, but someone managed to total the thing. Thinking they were low on fuel, they made a forced landing and safely landed the plane (everyone was ok), but unfortunately the plane's nose gear sunk into the soft field and flipped the plane over. At this point My instructor and I decided to complete my checkride in the school's new L.S.A - a Tecnam bravo. I ended up taking the ride a bit over 1 week after the 150 was ruined with 3 total hours in the Bravo and passed! Thanks to everyone here on JC for the good tips I found while searching through the forums.


Way to go Matt! Congratulations!!!:nana2: Now schedule you a "just cuz you can flight" and take someone along...just cuz you can:D