On The Right Track?


New Member
Okay. Here's my story. I'm 33 years old. I have a BBA in marketing from Baylor University. No criminal record. Clean driving record. I'm a bank loan officer Mon-Fri, and truth is, I can't stand it. It's strictly a paycheck. Anyway, I started my flight training in December 1997, had to stop for long periods due to a shortage of $$, but I earned an instrument rating in November 2004 and am currently making slow progress on my commercial-ASEL. I have 278 hours TT. My end objective is to obtain full-time employment with a well-established organization or company as a pilot by the age of 36 (e.g., airlines, charter, corporate, etc.). That seems to be within the realm of reality. Now that you know a little about my life, would someone please tell me if I'm on the right track? Should I be doing something differently? I'm just curious here. Many thanks!
"slow progress on my commercial-ASEL"

We'll, there's your answer. Private to IFR in seven years is too slow. More slow progress on your commercial doesn't help.

If you get serious, and start knocking out those ratings, get your CFI, there is no reason you can't have the times to get on at a regional by the time your 36.
currently making slow progress on my commercial-ASEL. I have 278 hours TT.

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Unless I am mistaken, you only need 250 TT for the commercial rating, along with the rq'd xc's and 10 hours of complex time. If you have met those req's you should be ready to go, time wise that is. Then again if your doing your training pt.141, this could all mean nothing. Anyhow, rock on! You've got a couple of years on me and I jsut got my IFR ticket.
You already have over 250 TT you should be able to get your commercial after that get your CFI and start building up your hours and getting some multi training also.