Oh SWA…how many is this?

Says the guy whose group was too afraid to think taxiway Delta would be confused with the airline name and made the airport call it Dixie? You don’t need to be told to turn right on Dixie. You can be told to turn right on Delta. That is a clearance to turn onto a taxiway. Not to hit the broadside of a Delta jetliner.

Says the guy whose group was too afraid to think taxiway Delta would be confused with the airline name and made the airport call it Dixie? You don’t need to be told to turn right on Dixie. You can be told to turn right on Delta. That is a clearance to turn onto a taxiway. Not to hit the broadside of a Delta jetliner.
The ATL airport did that one numbnuts.

Your airline is confused about its name vs where it’s based.

But don’t worry, I have it good authority that you’ve updated your app with SJI
This is all based off publicly-available flight tracking data:

The scheduled pushback time for WN4805 varies from day-to-day, but is typically between 05:40 EDT and 06:05 EDT. Most of the time is it 05:55 EDT. The taxi time is approximately 15 minutes.

This flight was scheduled for a 05:40 push, but left six minutes early, which resulted in the earliest takeoff in the past month, and only one-of-two takeoffs before 05:45 EDT (the other flight departed Runway 36).

The vast majority WN4809 departures use Runway 29. Tower frequency is the same as CTAF. 121.9 is Clearance Delivery.
Says the guy whose group was too afraid to think taxiway Delta would be confused with the airline name and made the airport call it Dixie? You don’t need to be told to turn right on Dixie. You can be told to turn right on Delta. That is a clearance to turn onto a taxiway. Not to hit the broadside of a Delta jetliner.

I know I’m living rent-free in your head 24/7 but this is getting obsessive. Can you go a day without mentioning me?

I’m straight, happily married and I’m never going to love you the way you want me to.
This is all based off publicly-available flight tracking data:

The scheduled pushback time for WN4805 varies from day-to-day, but is typically between 05:40 EDT and 06:05 EDT. Most of the time is it 05:55 EDT. The taxi time is approximately 15 minutes.

This flight was scheduled for a 05:40 push, but left six minutes early, which resulted in the earliest takeoff in the past month, and only one-of-two takeoffs before 05:45 EDT (the other flight departed Runway 36).

The vast majority WN4809 departures use Runway 29. Tower frequency is the same as CTAF. 121.9 is Clearance Delivery.
I bet they had the wrong freq in making calls vs not doing them at all. Once we (121) all get some adsb data overlayed on iPad, that will be a great situational awareness tool.
Says the guy whose group was too afraid to think taxiway Delta would be confused with the airline name and made the airport call it Dixie? You don’t need to be told to turn right on Dixie. You can be told to turn right on Delta. That is a clearance to turn onto a taxiway. Not to hit the broadside of a Delta jetliner.
U mad bro?
@derg its borderline obsessive at this point.

I'd be lying if I said I would not want to be a pilot at Southern Jetz International. Doubly so these days considering the complete lack of movement and almost monthly threats of downgrade from MGMT. I've made my choice sticking with it. I got a seniority number where the paycheck matches the paint on the airplane I fly.

We'll see what happens. Good luck to us all!
@derg its borderline obsessive at this point.

I'd be lying if I said I would not want to be a pilot at Southern Jetz International. Doubly so these days considering the complete lack of movement and almost monthly threats of downgrade from MGMT. I've made my choice sticking with it. I got a seniority number where the paycheck matches the paint on the airplane I fly.

We'll see what happens. Good luck to us all!
samezies bro....got the interview but then my wife is like "that's still commuting"...I go "yup sticking with AA"
(this was when I was the most disgruntled with F9)