Oh SWA…how many is this?

@derg its borderline obsessive at this point.

I'd be lying if I said I would not want to be a pilot at Southern Jetz International. Doubly so these days considering the complete lack of movement and almost monthly threats of downgrade from MGMT. I've made my choice sticking with it. I got a seniority number where the paycheck matches the paint on the airplane I fly.

We'll see what happens. Good luck to us all!

Your request has been denied.
Reason: Staffing
Thank goodness SouthernJets doesn’t own a rabbit or @Cherokee_Cruiser would be boiling it, holding a knife, tears in his eyes exclaiming, “I will NOT be ignored”

Back to the hot brakes topic:

FO lands at PHX. Does the braking hard right after landing thing with the TRs out on the 7800' runway. It's hot as balls 44C or something like that. I encouraged a very late turn off. I chose the second to last on 25L. Wind was 250 at about 10. 900ER. Full with one jumpseater up front and two FA jumpseaters. Could really have only fit one more person in the aircraft.

Loooooonnnnnnggggg taxi to the E gates. Shut one down and tried to brake as little as I could to the gate.

The ramp felt like it was on fire but the brakes were not noticeably hot nor were they smoking. Only a small amount of brake wear indicator left. I saw a mechanic and almost asked him about the temperature gun thingy but he looked hot AF and I didn't want to be that guy.

@MikeD I don't understand how anyone can smoke the brakes on a 737.
Back to the hot brakes topic:

FO lands at PHX. Does the braking hard right after landing thing with the TRs out on the 7800' runway. It's hot as balls 44C or something like that. I encouraged a very late turn off. I chose the second to last on 25L. Wind was 250 at about 10. 900ER. Full with one jumpseater up front and two FA jumpseaters. Could really have only fit one more person in the aircraft.

Loooooonnnnnnggggg taxi to the E gates. Shut one down and tried to brake as little as I could to the gate.

The ramp felt like it was on fire but the brakes were not noticeably hot nor were they smoking. Only a small amount of brake wear indicator left. I saw a mechanic and almost asked him about the temperature gun thingy but he looked hot AF and I didn't want to be that guy.

@MikeD I don't understand how anyone can smoke the brakes on a 737.

I do see a few pilots who seem constantly on the brakes to some degree while taxiing, which I can see as an issue. Not sure why they carry power that they keep applying brakes against.
I wonder how many of these "there's no reason to heat the brakes up!" guys cause go arounds or at the very least sweating when there's already minimum separation with the guy behind them on final. Not taking a side either way, just spitballing.
I wonder how many of these "there's no reason to heat the brakes up!" guys cause go arounds or at the very least sweating when there's already minimum separation with the guy behind them on final. Not taking a side either way, just spitballing.

I usually just ask the tower if I can use say, B9 at SAN instead of B8. Works good. Lasts a long time.

It’s easy to see your sequence in terms of distance on TCAS ahead. Not so much behind.

Sometimes you can tell by speed assignments but asking doesn’t cost anything.
I do see a few pilots who seem constantly on the brakes to some degree while taxiing, which I can see as an issue. Not sure why they carry power that they keep applying brakes against.
There are a lot of finer points of technique that have absolutely been lost or glossed over. Like proper trim technique, for instance. Up fast at idle, one application to slow way down, then back up fast (however fast you get, that is) is probably in the same pile, or the pile next to, how to trim a jet.
Says the guy whose group was too afraid to think taxiway Delta would be confused with the airline name and made the airport call it Dixie? You don’t need to be told to turn right on Dixie. You can be told to turn right on Delta. That is a clearance to turn onto a taxiway. Not to hit the broadside of a Delta jetliner.
As long as we're correcting one another, if you're taxiing, there is no such thing as a clearance. Ground does not and CANNOT issue a clearance for anything. Ground only issues instructions.
Oh yeah? How 'come I pick up my clearance from ground?

Check and mate.
Because the ground controller is working the Clearance Delivery position on the same frequency. As far as actual taxiing, the position of Ground controller (not in a Clearance Delivery function...as per your example) cannot issue clearances. They can only issue taxi instructions.
Because the ground controller is working the Clearance Delivery position on the same frequency. As far as actual taxiing, the position of Ground controller (not in a Clearance Delivery function...as per your example) cannot issue clearances. They can only issue taxi instructions.

Curiously, if ground issues a runway crossing clearance, are they merely the messenger who is passing that on from the local controller; and not the one coming up with the clearance themselves?
Curiously, if ground issues a runway crossing clearance, are they merely the messenger who is passing that on from the local controller; and not the one coming up with the clearance themselves?

It's also why they never say "cleared to cross runway xxx" it's just "cross runway xxx".