Tajer needs to STHU. No, the kid didn’t get it right. After putting the stab trim cutout switches to off, the report shows the wheel was manually trimmed towards nose down . Whoops. The kid was clueless.
And here’s another video Tajer needs to Shut it.
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yZr-5_fdFdA&pp=ygUYQm9laW5nIHN0b3AgdGhpcyBtYWRuZXNz
One, American only has -800s and MAX8s. They don’t have plug doors. So stay in your lane.
Two, oh the horror about remembering to turn off anti ice no later than 5 minutes into thin air!
He’s on union leave I assume. Yeah, must be hard to remember that when you only fly once every two months?
Oh no, he needs post-it notes and an alarm on his watch every 5 minutes.
“Boeing needs 2.5 yrs to fix it - unacceptable.”
Ok Mr Tajer. Go ahead and inform, what? 25% of your pilots they’ll be furloughed as the -800s and MAX 8s are parked for 2.5 yrs in order to keep it “safe.” Until a fix is found?
Is that what he wants? What does he hope to do by all this fear mongering?