New Flight Coordinator Job


Well-Known Member
Heyo I am sitting from the desk of my new flight coordinator job... Its for a small air ambulance company, so kinda different from the airline jobs that i see a lot of people talk about on here. I am pretty new to this and just wanted to hear from other people who might be doing the same thing.. Also, I will be negotiating pay for it here in the next few days. I have no idea what to expect, I just hope its a good increase from the 11/hr that i was making doing line service.

The company i work for is pretty cool. we have a small fleet of learjets and do international stuff pretty frequently. I am following a flight right now coming from Australia. I am working the nightshift which is cool cause there is a lot of downtime and its real laid back. The sleeping schedule sucks though, i am trying to figure that out. Its a 1am to 9am shift... Anyone else on here doing the same kinda thing??
I do the same type of job, but mainly moving autoparts. Typical salary for this type of job is around 15-20.00 with experience. I would start negoiating at 15.00 since your new to the industry and there is alot to learn, especially with the internatinal stuff. Good Luck..
yeah 15/hr sounds pretty realistic. ill see here in a few days. the night shift is tough, its hard to go to sleep at 4 in the afternoon. The fleet is pretty small. There are 2 long range lear 36s and a lear 35. It can still get pretty busy. ive learned a lot about this business already. i was getting tired of doing line service, so this is a nice change.
I know how you feel about line service, I have done it over five years and ready to move on myself, hince why I am looking into dispatch. Good luck with your change.
yeah 15/hr sounds pretty realistic. ill see here in a few days. the night shift is tough, its hard to go to sleep at 4 in the afternoon. The fleet is pretty small. There are 2 long range lear 36s and a lear 35. It can still get pretty busy. ive learned a lot about this business already. i was getting tired of doing line service, so this is a nice change.

If you are changing positions within the same company, I would guess that a 50% pay jump might be a little tough to negotiate. Maybe 15 is a good starting point, but I wouldn't be surprised if the company expectation is less than that. Make sure you put your negotiating effort into selling your skills rather than talking about what you think the position is worth. Good luck!