More Delays for Crewpass...


From latest FastRead..:

"The Transportation Security Administration has asked ALPA and the CrewPASS contractor, ARINC, to meet next week to discuss implementation of biometrics into the system. ALPA was informed in November that the agency was “very close” to issuing standards for CrewPASS, but they have yet to be issued, despite the fact that the new administration has been in place for more than a month. The standards are needed before the program can be expanded."

My assessment:

  • 1 year to decide what type of biometircs are to be used
  • Another year to figure out how to format the database
  • Another year to test hardware types, structure policy and implement testing
  • Another year to put bids out for related hardware infrastructure and to figure out who is gonna pay for it.
End result: We will likely never see this happen in any widespread manner anytime in the next decade...Yea!!!! What a great government we have huh? After the tens of millions that will get spent to figure all of this out, some moron Congressman will probably put a permanent stop to it long before it ever goes online nationwide...

I'm gonna go buy socks with pot leafs printed all over them..if I gotta keep taking my shoes off to go to work I may as well have some fun...
OMG this is getting out of hand. I had a student in 2003 that designed and installed biometric security systems for businesses in Manhattan. I have an f'ing fingerprint access reader ON MY LAPTOP for Christs sakes.
Disney has been using a biometrics reader for their annual pass holders since 96. It's not rocket science. IMO, it's the TSA dragging their feet as usual. Now, if it were trying to keep hand creme out of the hands of little old ladies, they'd implement it tomorrow.
I'm actually not too sure Biometrics are really needed.

I've had my fill with the government storing my own personal data, I'm not too sure I'm going to be willing to give them an eyeball scan just so I can utilize CrewPASS.

To hell with that, I'll (if I return to line flying) just wait it out and toss my crap back on the X-ray machine.

They can have my social security number, my crew ID, my drivers lic., all of my various certificates that I've had to go through 10 year security investigations to get, and my security clearance . . . to hell with them getting a scan of my eyeballs so I can zip through security.


Crew ID and one additional ID is more than sufficient. Not like the damn uniform isn't enough, why the hell we have to put up with any of this bologna is ridiculous.
Disney has been using a biometrics reader for their annual pass holders since 96. It's not rocket science. IMO, it's the TSA dragging their feet as usual. Now, if it were trying to keep hand creme out of the hands of little old ladies, they'd implement it tomorrow.

Rocket science is relative :)

How about this, I walk up, introduce myself, show my badge, and I walk through with it beeping like a mother and just keep on walking while TSA pretends it didn't happen. Crew pass now, one way or another!
From latest FastRead..:

"The Transportation Security Administration has asked ALPA and the CrewPASS contractor, ARINC, to meet next week to discuss implementation of biometrics into the system. ALPA was informed in November that the agency was “very close” to issuing standards for CrewPASS, but they have yet to be issued, despite the fact that the new administration has been in place for more than a month. The standards are needed before the program can be expanded."

My assessment:

  • 1 year to decide what type of biometircs are to be used
  • Another year to figure out how to format the database
  • Another year to test hardware types, structure policy and implement testing
  • Another year to put bids out for related hardware infrastructure and to figure out who is gonna pay for it.
End result: We will likely never see this happen in any widespread manner anytime in the next decade...Yea!!!! What a great government we have huh? After the tens of millions that will get spent to figure all of this out, some moron Congressman will probably put a permanent stop to it long before it ever goes online nationwide...

I'm gonna go buy socks with pot leafs printed all over them..if I gotta keep taking my shoes off to go to work I may as well have some fun...

Juuuuuust about the time that I get recalled. Not so bad!:D
They use it in Canadia for the entire crew, not just pilots. I was chatting with some Air Canadia FA's and they breezed on through while I had to wait and go through screening.
Why can't they just have you guys use CLEAR? It's already up and running and seems to be working great. (Although it's not at every airport yet I guess)
Why can't they just have you guys use CLEAR? It's already up and running and seems to be working great. (Although it's not at every airport yet I guess)

In my experience, CrewPass works fine, too. Especially since CASS has been up and running and being used by gate agents all over the country. Then again, it's a toss up on who can operate the computer better: a gate agent or a TSA agent.

I agree, Surreal. I don't see a reason to use biometrics. I've got an ID, an passport, and a uniform. That should be enough. I was just pointing out that using the biometrics excuse is pretty lame, even for the federal government, since other businesses have been using biometrics for over a decade.
Yeah Kell, wasn't really responding to anything anyone had specifically said in relation to the use of biometrics. I just am at my last rope with a lot of things.

Dealing with security happens to be one of them.

We get a great program going that doesn't subject us to the usual ridiculous behavior of TSA agents, and now they want to have some sort of biometric gimmick? Give me a break.

It's another way for our tax money to get wasted when we have a perfectly effective system (CASS, crew ID and one additional ID) already in place and it's only a matter of expanding it and getting the laptops running.

Biometrics. . .puh-leaze. Forget it.
Biometrics are also used in DEN to get past security in airside parking and on elevators.

The best security, which I haven't seen anywhere, goes off the rule of 3:
1. Something you have (badge, key, fob, etc)
2. Something you know (secret PIN, etc)
3. Something you are (biometrics$
How about this, I walk up, introduce myself, show my badge, and I walk through with it beeping like a mother and just keep on walking while TSA pretends it didn't happen.
I've seen this exact scenario in place at most of airports across the US. It's happening right now... yes... right now. Haven't you experienced this? This is EXACTLY what happens when the TSA agents come to work. ;)
I've seen this exact scenario in place at most of airports across the US. It's happening right now... yes... right now. Haven't you experienced this? This is EXACTLY what happens when the TSA agents come to work. ;)

Or on to a flight. Seriously.

"Yo, man. Wassup! You flyin' out ta day?"
"Yeah, I's goin' ta Dallas. See ya lata."

Actual exchange witnesses at a MEM checkpoint. Reported it, but didn't hear anything back on it.
The biometrics issue, is in my opinion a stall tactic. If the DHS/TSA wanted Crewpass up and running nationally then it would have been by now. DHS clearly does not want this, but they have no real reason to stop it so instead of inciting a political fight by outright shutting it down, they throw in more red tape...classic government move.
The biometrics issue, is in my opinion a stall tactic. If the DHS/TSA wanted Crewpass up and running nationally then it would have been by now. DHS clearly does not want this, but they have no real reason to stop it so instead of inciting a political fight by outright shutting it down, they throw in more red tape...classic government move.


Start a test in 3 airports, it's a rousing success and now they're faced with implementing it in every airport......but that means things might go smoothly for the pilots, who we all know are the REAL threats.