Mesaba Pilot in the Clink


Well-Known Member

Harris deputies: Suspect arrested after flying to meet boy

A pilot from Minnesota remains in Harris County Jail, charged with solicitation of a minor after flying to Houston to meet a 12-year-old boy whom officials say he had been sending sexually explicit text messages to since fall.
Deputies were waiting when Steven Donald Anderson, 28, pulled up to the youth's northwest Harris County home Friday, authorities said Sunday.
"He showed up, and we arrested him. He was pretty shocked," said Sgt. Gary Spurger with the Harris County Precinct 4 constable’s computer crime unit.
After deputies examined a cache of incriminating text messages found on Anderson's cell phone, Harris County prosecutors on Saturday charged him with two counts of online solicitation of a minor, officials said.
Two questions:

1) Does anyone here know this guy? If so, did he seem normal, or did he have a vibe that was saying "pedophile"?

2) At what point does Mesaba fire this guy?
YIKES----12 year old boy? IF he's guilty, he's in a ####load of trouble--both legally and in his career.
Have a seat right over here.... have a seat...
Isn't this the second Mesaba pedophile in the last few years? Methinks HR needs to screen a little bit better. :)

Well, what's your definition of "last few years"? Lonnie Crabtree was on the run starting in '02... and according to FAA records, upgraded on the Avro in '98, meaning HR interviewed him quite a while before that.

But the humor is not lost on me. :)

Oh, and this guy is probably toast already, he's only been on the line for a month or two. Of course, knowing the media, they'll probably imply he's a captain on the 74.
Well, what's your definition of "last few years"? Lonnie Crabtree was on the run starting in '02... and according to FAA records, upgraded on the Avro in '98, meaning HR interviewed him quite a while before that.

But the humor is not lost on me. :)

Yeah, that's the guy! I just remember that he was on America's Most Wanted a few years ago.
Why do you have a fist full of dollars movie and a Michale Jackson glove? Because that is what me and the 12 year old have in common. That would be a great excuse.
Two questions:

1) Does anyone here know this guy? If so, did he seem normal, or did he have a vibe that was saying "pedophile"?

2) At what point does Mesaba fire this guy?

I do know him. We instructed together for about a year and a half. He always seemed normal, a little quiet though. I was actually shocked when I heard the news, as was everyone else who knows him.
I don't know him or anyone that does know him. We all a bit shocked.

Think mesaba is the only one? I know one at colgan, he just goes outside the country for his 12 year olds.

I'd be willing to bet the general population of a pilot group you are gonna have a few whack jobs. Of course my numbers might be skewed since i've worked for 2 airlines and both have pedo's.

I think when he misses a few trips because he's in jail he'll just be fired, I doubt the union is gonna return any phone calls, they are pretty old school at XJ.
I'd be willing to bet the general population of a pilot group you are gonna have a few whack jobs. Of course my numbers might be skewed since i've worked for 2 airlines and both have pedo's.

I think you are probably right. I believe that the percentages for airline pilots is probably the same as any other white collar type occupation when it comes to these sort of things...divorce rate would be another example that often gets overblown.

I hope this dirt bag enjoys prison...hopefully for a long time.
I'm glad the teacher did the right thing. I hope my kids' teachers would do the same, then I'd hope he'd stay in jail where I couldn't get him.
Huntsville will be pretty bleak for this guy I think, but for crimes against children I think Louisiana is the harshest. In fact, Bobby Jindahl reacted with great anger when the Supreme Court said that Louisiana couln't execute people for the crime of child rape, and I believe they are working on a new law that would pass muster to resume child rape as a capital offense. Also, he signed into law the mandatory castration of sex offenders upon their second offense. This doesn't lessen the jail time, it is in addition to. The judges have the option on the first offense, but they don't on the second - it is mandatory.

So, moral is - don't mess with children in Louisiana.
No personal experience, but I've always heard that the other prisoners don't take that crime too lightly. They take care of it in house, so to speak. Good for them. Also, Wasn't there a UPS pilot caught a while back? Wonder what happened there? Is the guy in prison? Anybody heard?