Man intentionally crashes plane


Pretty much all it takes is a woman just saying you hit her and your ass is most likely getting carted off to jail. Have fun if you ever have to take your wife/daughter to the ER because half the time they're going to ask if you beat her and then think she's lying to protect you if she says no. But that could probably fill a whole 3 threads. Nothing is "obvious" from the outside looking in. Guy could have been a dirtbag woman beater, but none of us know that and probably never will.

Selfish and terrible as this guy's actions were I think it's incredibly distasteful to immediately start throwing that kind of stuff out there, and honestly it gets nowhere. Guy's gone, I'm sure his family is destroyed, not to mention the ramifications all around for his employer and the rest of us given what's happened the past few months. Terrible nonsensical thing all around.
Last time I checked, both combatants go in California. Or at least if I remember what I saw when last I watched Cops, anyway.
Even just talking to a Dr about it could mean the end of your medical and job.That is an issue with our pilot culture and something that REALLY needs to be fixed.

Mental health issues for our profession shouldn't be so punitive. We pilots shouldn't be AFRAID of reaching out for help when life throws you a curve ball. It's f'd up and I feel bad for the guy even though I don't agree with his method of dealing with it. The side effects of suicide hurt everyone and in this case it hurts all of us too.

This. So much this. There are so many cases floating around of pilots flying with mild cases of depression, afraid to speak up about it because it could be a career ender for them, or even a significant amount of time off.