Mesaba Pilot in the Clink

No personal experience, but I've always heard that the other prisoners don't take that crime too lightly. They take care of it in house, so to speak.

You are correct.

Crimes involving children are obviously not taken well in the prison population. Normal practice calls for another prisoner to slice the offenders face bad enough that it will scar and forever mark them as someone who committed a crime against a child. They now get to do the prison experience with a giant target on their face as well as living the rest of their life with a nasty scar.
You are correct.

Crimes involving children are obviously not taken well in the prison population. Normal practice calls for another prisoner to slice the offenders face bad enough that it will scar and forever mark them as someone who committed a crime against a child. They now get to do the prison experience with a giant target on their face as well as living the rest of their life with a nasty scar.

Hahaha...that's too funny. Other hardened criminals acting piously and punishing (an)other inmate(s).

"I'm a serial killer/rapist. I killed 20 people. But, I'm better than you because I didn't harm kids (directly). Shank!"

Lol, way to rationalize, and make yourself feel better about being on death row, or serving that life sentence!
Hahaha...that's too funny. Other hardened criminals acting piously and punishing (an)other inmate(s).

"I'm a serial killer/rapist. I killed 20 people. But, I'm better than you because I didn't harm kids (directly). Shank!"

Lol, way to rationalize, and make yourself feel better about being on death row, or serving that life sentence!

They also don't like people convicted of treason/spying. They may be crimminals, but they are still patriotic.
Well, what's your definition of "last few years"? Lonnie Crabtree was on the run starting in '02... and according to FAA records, upgraded on the Avro in '98, meaning HR interviewed him quite a while before that.

But the humor is not lost on me. :)

Oh, and this guy is probably toast already, he's only been on the line for a month or two. Of course, knowing the media, they'll probably imply he's a captain on the 74.

Atleast Lonnie liked little girls...............*crickets*...............:rolleyes:
Atleast Lonnie liked little girls...............*crickets*...............:rolleyes:

I know that that was probably a joke. But, when it comes to rape it's not about sex actually it's about domination, power, rage and control.

Some pedophiles do have a preference at least in terms of sex. More often than not, however the victims of child rape are male. Due mostly to societal standards. As boys are generally given more freedoms than girls, and thus more possible access to a pederast.

You know "let the boys, be boys" mantra. And girls are "typically" protected or over protected, thus allowing less access to be molested.

Of course there are always variables, and no profile is 100%.

I know in my case growing up I was generally allowed to stay out an hour or sometimes two hours later than my sister after dark. Also I was allowed to rome farther from home sans parant, as a child then she was.
Hahaha...that's too funny. Other hardened criminals acting piously and punishing (an)other inmate(s).

"I'm a serial killer/rapist. I killed 20 people. But, I'm better than you because I didn't harm kids (directly). Shank!"

Lol, way to rationalize, and make yourself feel better about being on death row, or serving that life sentence!

You are precisely correct. The hypocrisy of those who think they are above the law is not only irrational and illogical, but outright board certified insane.

Stupid is as stupid does, I guess.
That may be true, but you will find 0 people to oppose the "vigilante" actions of the inmates in those instances.