UA Pilot arrested for Human trafficking

I guess if he was an FO he's never gonna

@Murdoughnut Texas Attorney general defines "Human Trafficking"
Human trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transporting, or procurement of a person for labor or services for the purpose of involuntary servitude, slavery, or forced commercial sex acts. Simply, trafficking is modern day slavery. Human trafficking is not smuggling.
So what the OP is trying to say is that United will be hiring for one more additional FO this summer beyond what was expected.... Gotcha. Classy act by this guy....
I made a comment on the "United Pilot is a Pimp" thread on the SouthernJets forum referring to the Goodyear blimp and Ice Cube and I'll bet you out of 13K-ish pilots (or however many it is, I don't know), probably two get the reference.

They be like...

Many of the women were from Russia. They paid him to work. Though the article doesn't say how much farther his control of the women went, I think it's incredibly likely that this scenario falls within the definitions of human traficking. At the least, I couldn't confidently pose the argument that it wasn't human trafficking. I'm not sure why anyone would bother arguing that, what do you gain?
Many of the women were from Russia. They paid him to work. Though the article doesn't say how much farther his control of the women went, I think it's incredibly likely that this scenario falls within the definitions of human traficking. At the least, I couldn't confidently pose the argument that it wasn't human trafficking. I'm not sure why anyone would bother arguing that, what do you gain?

You do hear District Attorney's/cops using the term with increasingly regularity to justify their ridiculously elaborate and expensive sting operations to arrest a couple of toothless street walkers and johns for misdemeanors. Law enforcement and activist groups also use the term with ever increasing frequency, regardless of validity, to push back against the 'victimless crime' argument. Furthermore, the online media has figured out that they get more clicks out of it because it sounds so much more horrible than prostitution.

If people are being abducted and forced into prostitution against their will, that's really bad, but the instances of that being the case in the U.S. are undoubtedly far fewer than the instances of the term being used. Of course all bets are off in Asia/Eastern Europe.

So you don't gain anything arguing against it; it's just tedious and annoying seeing it in so many click bait headlines and hearing the government/LEOs subtly lie to the public to make it sound like they are really busting some major criminals.
My response above was general in nature.

With regards to this article, I'd say not enough information to tell; however, given the length and detail of the investigation, I would think the po po would be loudly describing it as a 'major human trafficking ring' if they had anything to support that with.