UA Pilot arrested for Human trafficking

My response above was general in nature.

With regards to this article, I'd say not enough information to tell; however, given the length and detail of the investigation, I would think the po po would be loudly describing it as a 'major human trafficking ring' if they had anything to support that with.
I've read articles where the headline is "Sex trafficking ring broken up," and it's like two prostitutes and their pimp/handler or whatever they call it. hardly a ring in the traditional sense, but a couple of people engaging in prostitution. But, the headline plays better for the public.
No clients were arrested

I don't understand this. If we really wanted to attack prostitution, why not target the demand side? We seem to have this society view that being a pimp or prostitute is bad, but being a john is just taudry. I suspect that there were some important men in the customer list.

We should pick a side. I'm personally of the "It should be allowed and taxed" view. However, if you are of a different view, you should insist that the law is enforced equally against all portions of the sex trade. It currently is not.
Can we stop using the phrase "human trafficking" for prostitution that doesn't involve anyone being trafficked? Not directed at the OP - this seems to be a popular phrase among law enforcement and the media.

It's important to define terms clearly...
I think the media got it all wrong. What I see is an Airline Pilot that built a successful real estate business renting out rooms in houses for $400 a week to female clients.
I thought a pilots job was human and freight trafficking?


An empty plane makes no money.