Man Dragged off United Flight

Was it ever determined how, when Dao was removed from the flight, how he managed to reappear onboard, incoherent and bloodied? Was he removed to the terminal outside the jetway, and somehow wandered back on?

I try to provide people with a good experience. I will try hard and get people to where they want to go. Unfortunately people are never happy. Maybe its because you havent flown 121 pax, but its very easy to get discouraged. Every day I get discouraged. Nobody is appreciative of the work you put in, nobody understands that a lot of what happens comes based on decisions from above, etc. No matter what happens, the crew gets blamed. I see it from a daily basis from almost every passenger. It is very easy to want to tell people to sit down, shut up, and hold on. But we dont. We really try hard to give people what they want. I go out of my way to give better views of Crater Lake as we fly by, or point out Mt. Shasta. Nobody ever says thank you for the little stuff..

FWIW, every time I fly, when meeting the crew up front while boarding, I make it a point to thank them for the ride; as well as when deplaning, thanking at least someone from the flight or cabin crew again, even though I'm flying as a revenue pax. It's just a nice thing to do
FWIW, every time I fly, when meeting the crew up front, I make it a point to thank them for the ride; as well as when deplaning, thanking at least someone from the flight or cabin crew again, even though I'm flying as a revenue pax. It's just a nice thing to do

Same here. Always have.
People blame us for things breaking, weather being crappy, delays, etc. Because we are the front line employees, its all on us. And we try to do the best job we can with what we have been given. Its really difficult some days.

As for your milk analogy, I think it would be wrong if they did that and I never signed a contract. But if I had signed a contract stating they could do that I would buy my milk and hope for the best.

And I agree, flying is a terrible experience now a days. The problem is people expect LCC fares, with United first class experience. Thats what the average person expects. And I totally understand, it makes sense

I try to provide people with a good experience. I will try hard and get people to where they want to go. Unfortunately people are never happy. Maybe its because you havent flown 121 pax, but its very easy to get discouraged. Every day I get discouraged. Nobody is appreciative of the work you put in, nobody understands that a lot of what happens comes based on decisions from above, etc. No matter what happens, the crew gets blamed. I see it from a daily basis from almost every passenger. It is very easy to want to tell people to sit down, shut up, and hold on. But we dont. We really try hard to give people what they want. I go out of my way to give better views of Crater Lake as we fly by, or point out Mt. Shasta. Nobody ever says thank you for the little stuff.

My personal opinion is that the average IQ drops when entering the airport. No matter how many times we tell people they wont buckle up, they stand up as soon as the wheels leave the ground, etc.

I get that people have bad days, and flying sucks. But the flight crew is human. We are tired, working many legs, and just want to go home. But we have to keep the smile. Its what we do. A simple thank you from passengers goes a long way.

In this incidents case nobody asked the cop to beat the crap out of him. That was all on him.

Thats my rant for the night. Maybe its just my opinion after flying passengers. Dont get me wrong, I love what I do. But it is the most unappreciated job ever. Its always your fault, you never did a good enough job, and people hate you.

I'd like to add that not being given the tools to do your job well is incredibly frustrating.

There isn't much that is more frustrating than standing there with a customer facing a situation and being able to do nothing but say "I understand and I'm sorry, but that is completely out of my control. But I'd be happy to walk you to the customer service line that is about 100 people deep."
I must be lucky-i don't airline a lot, but I've done it a lot more in the past 2 years, and I don't see the terrible experience that is being presented by some. Sure, diverting to KTN at midnight sucked, but even that would have been fine if we hadn't had a 2 year old and a 2 month old with.
Yea I'm not seeing it either. I've been non revving since I was born and sure we've had to rearrange a few things because we didn't make it to our destination but overall I've had a somewhat decent experience. Maybe folks go in thinking it's going to terrible then when one little thing goes wrong, they have their confirmation bias. Maybe I'm just an optimist or maybe I just put things into perspective like a 5 hour mechanical delay won't be the end of the world.
Was it ever determined how, when Dao was removed from the flight, how he managed to reappear onboard, incoherent and bloodied? Was he removed to the terminal outside the jetway, and somehow wandered back on?

I don't believe he reappeared. When the officers first tried to drag him off he ran to the back of the plane where they cornered him near the galley or lavatory.
The problem is people expect LCC fares,

I think we just want pricing that makes sense. Like when I wanted to fly from TLH to MIA. The price was $380. So out of curiosity I did TLH-EWR with a layover in MIA. Price was $243. So I bought a ticket to EWR and just left the airport at MIA.
Dont get me wrong, I love what I do. But it is the most unappreciated job ever. Its always your fault, you never did a good enough job, and people hate you.

I'm not even gonna touch on any of the other stuff I disagree with in this post but COME THE ***ON! Most unappreciated job ever? Everybody hates you and you never get the credit you deserve?! Give me a frickin' break. Did you do ANYTHING before becoming a pilot or are you just being super dramatic because the internets?
But it is the most unappreciated job ever. Its always your fault, you never did a good enough job, and people hate you. need a vacation.

Also, cheer up! You're a captain at Brand X flying a badass airplane around - you've got the world by the balls! I would have killed to have been in the left seat of a Saab at your total time, you're in a good spot and before you know it you'll be at a legacy and be literally set for life (barring furlough, divorce, illness, etc.). Take some time off if you're burning out or switch to a medevac job (medevac is awesome, and super rewarding, and your passengers generally appreciate you), but life's too short to feel this way and you won't be able to fly forever. You work at a sweat-shop, I know what that place is about, it's not a bad thing...but it's a sweat shop. It's a means to an end, and it'll be over soon - but it's not that bad. At risk of sounding like an old man, "in my day" there was no "quick upgrade" in the Saab. Think of TM - he was there for damn near 10 years and they only upgraded him when they had a need and they didn't really work with him when he had family stuff happen because they were so short staffed - enjoy what you've got right now, because I promise you it will not last forever, and if you don't like, don't wait around to "pay your dues" that's nonsense, life's too short for that - go do something you enjoy!

I'd highly recommend looking for fulfillment from within yourself in this line of work, don't look for it in the job. I have made that mistake in the past - I love flying, it is/was a huge part of my identity, but it's just a job. Management isn't going to appreciate you, the passengers aren't going to appreciate you for doing you day-in-day-out job, and in your part of the industry, you'll be surrounded by negative people. Ignore all that. You're flying a badass airplane up and down the coast building your time so you can scoot to something that's more comfortable. Being unappreciated is part of being PIC, you get used to it, or you find a

Also - I'd say the most unappreciated job ever probably goes to the guy who runs the waste-water treatment plant. Access to clean water is one of the most important parts of society, if he has a bad day at work, people could literally poop themselves to death, but do we even talk about that guy? Nope. That dude should get a parade every year, and I don't know anyone who even thinks about him.

Yea I'm not seeing it either. I've been non revving since I was born andnsure we've had to rearrange a few things because we didn't make it to our destination but overall I've had a somewhat decent experience. Maybe folks go in thinking it's going to terrible then when one little thing goes wrong, they have their confirmation bias.

Non-revving is incredible because it's virtually free, flying when you're paying for it? Kind of sucky for what you get at a lot of places. Hawaiian has shown me time and time again they have amazing customer service, Alaska has damn good service, but beyond that it's a crap shoot. I've had excellent luck with DL going to and from Alaska, but had a different experience going to Hawaii on them. AA has been awesome into and out of Hawaii, but some of the stuff into and out of DFW has been...shall we say, hit and miss. United has been a wildly "ok" experience every time I've flown on them, but I'm not going to say that sitting inside a pressurized metal tube for 4 hours is "fun." Riding as a passenger kind of sucks, and friendly customer service agents and flight crews are the difference between "OK" and "hey that was pretty good, I'll pay the extra $15 to buy a ticket again!" People who travel frequently for business will pay more for a decent environment.
I think we just want pricing that makes sense. Like when I wanted to fly from TLH to MIA. The price was $380. So out of curiosity I did TLH-EWR with a layover in MIA. Price was $243. So I bought a ticket to EWR and just left the airport at MIA.

They will take your miles... :(
I'd like to add that not being given the tools to do your job well is incredibly frustrating.

There isn't much that is more frustrating than standing there with a customer facing a situation and being able to do nothing but say "I understand and I'm sorry, but that is completely out of my control. But I'd be happy to walk you to the customer service line that is about 100 people deep."
Youre absolutely right about that.

I think we just want pricing that makes sense. Like when I wanted to fly from TLH to MIA. The price was $380. So out of curiosity I did TLH-EWR with a layover in MIA. Price was $243. So I bought a ticket to EWR and just left the airport at MIA.
Youre right about pricing not making sense. It is a weird market.

I'm not even gonna touch on any of the other stuff I disagree with in this post but COME THE ***ON! Most unappreciated job ever? Everybody hates you and you never get the credit you deserve?! Give me a frickin' break. Did you do ANYTHING before becoming a pilot or are you just being super dramatic because the internets?
I may be a little dramatic. But it is still an unappreciated job. need a vacation.

Also, cheer up! You're a captain at Brand X flying a badass airplane around - you've got the world by the balls! I would have killed to have been in the left seat of a Saab at your total time, you're in a good spot and before you know it you'll be at a legacy and be literally set for life (barring furlough, divorce, illness, etc.). Take some time off if you're burning out or switch to a medevac job (medevac is awesome, and super rewarding, and your passengers generally appreciate you), but life's too short to feel this way and you won't be able to fly forever. You work at a sweat-shop, I know what that place is about, it's not a bad thing...but it's a sweat shop. It's a means to an end, and it'll be over soon - but it's not that bad. At risk of sounding like an old man, "in my day" there was no "quick upgrade" in the Saab. Think of TM - he was there for damn near 10 years and they only upgraded him when they had a need and they didn't really work with him when he had family stuff happen because they were so short staffed - enjoy what you've got right now, because I promise you it will not last forever, and if you don't like, don't wait around to "pay your dues" that's nonsense, life's too short for that - go do something you enjoy!

I'd highly recommend looking for fulfillment from within yourself in this line of work, don't look for it in the job. I have made that mistake in the past - I love flying, it is/was a huge part of my identity, but it's just a job. Management isn't going to appreciate you, the passengers aren't going to appreciate you for doing you day-in-day-out job, and in your part of the industry, you'll be surrounded by negative people. Ignore all that. You're flying a badass airplane up and down the coast building your time so you can scoot to something that's more comfortable. Being unappreciated is part of being PIC, you get used to it, or you find a

Also - I'd say the most unappreciated job ever probably goes to the guy who runs the waste-water treatment plant. Access to clean water is one of the most important parts of society, if he has a bad day at work, people could literally poop themselves to death, but do we even talk about that guy? Nope. That dude should get a parade every year, and I don't know anyone who even thinks about him.
Youre absolutely right, I do need a vacation. I do enjoy the flying part of my job, its just so much other crap going on right now with it that is sucking the life out of me.
I may be a little dramatic. But it is still an unappreciated job.

Youre absolutely right, I do need a vacation. I do enjoy the flying part of my job, its just so much other crap going on right now with it that is sucking the life out of me.

Have you ever done anything besides fly airplanes for a living? How much appreciation do you need for doing the job you've chosen to do? This reeks of the Millenial attitude we hear so much about.

This is exactly what I've been talking about. I just don't want to see the US Airlines fail to compete against foreign carriers. I'm invested in this issue because it affects my side of the industry. With all the hiring, it has caused a huge vacuum effect that has caused many lower tier companies to really have to step their games up to attract qualified candidates. This has been good for all of us. If foreign carriers come in here and provide better service while paying their employees less...well that just blows up everything that has been accomplished for us.
I think we just want pricing that makes sense. Like when I wanted to fly from TLH to MIA. The price was $380. So out of curiosity I did TLH-EWR with a layover in MIA. Price was $243. So I bought a ticket to EWR and just left the airport at MIA.

Want pricing to make sense? Want better service? No problemo! We should have a government agency oversee and regulate fares and service for civil aeronautics.

We could have a group of civil servants on a scratch that, we'll make them political appointees so they'll "reflect the will of the people". They'll force the airlines to have a load factor of about %65 and increased seat pitch in top of that, so there's plenty of room for everyone. But they'll also have a mandate that the airlines make SOME money, so with the lower load factors and increased service requirements, prices will go up, and well, not everyone is going to be able to afford it. Fares will be transparent alright...very high with maybe, maybe a %10 discount for a round trip ticket. It'll be nice for those who are on an expense account.

Lessee, a one way coach ticket from NY to LA was about $200 in 1960...doesn't sound too bad until you plug it into the inflation calculator....lessee....$1300 in today's dollars, so about $2400 for that round trip.

With that kind of cost, you're probably going to see a decrease in numbers...some of that frequency is going to suffer. The good news for you train and bus fans...lots more opportunity there....unless maybe the government wants to provide a subsidy to fly to East Nowhere...but I thought subsidies were bad?

This board of appointees...hmmm, I know, we could call it, hmmmm, I know, the civil aeronautics board...

I think we just want pricing that makes sense. Like when I wanted to fly from TLH to MIA. The price was $380. So out of curiosity I did TLH-EWR with a layover in MIA. Price was $243. So I bought a ticket to EWR and just left the airport at MIA.

That's called a "hidden city" itinerary and has been deemed illegal. About all the airlime can do though, if you're caught, is ban you for life from flying on them.
Want pricing to make sense? Want better service? No problemo! We should have a government agency oversee and regulate fares and service for civil aeronautics.

We could have a group of civil servants on a scratch that, we'll make them political appointees so they'll "reflect the will of the people". They'll force the airlines to have a load factor of about %65 and increased seat pitch in top of that, so there's plenty of room for everyone. But they'll also have a mandate that the airlines make SOME money, so with the lower load factors and increased service requirements, prices will go up, and well, not everyone is going to be able to afford it. Fares will be transparent alright...very high with maybe, maybe a %10 discount for a round trip ticket. It'll be nice for those who are on an expense account.

Lessee, a one way coach ticket from NY to LA was about $200 in 1960...doesn't sound too bad until you plug it into the inflation calculator....lessee....$1300 in today's dollars, so about $2400 for that round trip.

With that kind of cost, you're probably going to see a decrease in numbers...some of that frequency is going to suffer. The good news for you train and bus fans...lots more opportunity there....unless maybe the government wants to provide a subsidy to fly to East Nowhere...but I thought subsidies were bad?

This board of appointees...hmmm, I know, we could call it, hmmmm, I know, the civil aeronautics board...


I think it could be regulated a bit better than it was before - but honestly investing money in high speed rail and raising fairs to the 60's values corrected for inflation would probably benefit more people than letting companies duke it out to see which airline could induce DVT fastest.

I'd be interested in seeing some changes to the status quo.
There's not enough money on the planet for high speed rail in the US. You do realize the current railroads were granted their land by the government when the country was empty, right? (and yes, the most of land the tracks sit on is owned by the RRs).

"Well, we'll just run it on the current tracks upgraded!"

Lolz. And what happens to that frieght in the meantime? And what happens when you try to mix high speed trains with freight?

For high speed rail to even work, you have to go where he people are...and land where the people are is ex-spen-sive.

Rail is not a's an endless money hole.
Have you ever done anything besides fly airplanes for a living? How much appreciation do you need for doing the job you've chosen to do? This reeks of the Millenial attitude we hear so much about.
I have done other things besides fly airplanes. I don't need much. Currently I am just fed up with the company I work for, and it's slowly ruining me. As soon as I get a new job things will be a lot better.
There's not enough money on the planet for high speed rail in the US. You do realize the current railroads were granted their land by the government when the country was empty, right? (and yes, the most of land the tracks sit on is owned by the RRs).

"Well, we'll just run it on the current tracks upgraded!"

Lolz. And what happens to that frieght in the meantime? And what happens when you try to mix high speed trains with freight?

For high speed rail to even work, you have to go where he people are...and land where the people are is ex-spen-sive.

Rail is not a's an endless money hole.

You're gonna have to source pretty much all of that - I ain't saying it's gonna be cheap, but...source? I saw .5-1 trillion USD to set up high speed rail here in the states, and that's at current technology levels, not with hyperloop or some crazy Japanese Gundam bullet-train, that's a lot of money...but we're spending a lot more on blowing stuff up over seas, and we spend something like $700 billion on the bank bailout - we probably could have put every person in the country to work building the damn thing...

It's just a question of what our priorities are.