Luxury Crash Pad downtown Chicago with Jazz Singer

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I keep my arsenal in the closet, and God knows, I'd never let a woman look in my closet. She might find the guns! Or the revolutionary pamphlets. Or the bodies. Or the bombs. I mean, wait, what? I have to go, my grandmother is on fire!


Just kidding, FBI.
This thread goes down in history with Tomcatter, Window Seat Girl and that whoever it was pretending to be the freakish Russian.
I keep my arsenal in the closet, and God knows, I'd never let a woman look in my closet. She might find the guns! Or the revolutionary pamphlets. Or the bodies. Or the bombs. I mean, wait, what? I have to go, my grandmother is on fire!


Just kidding, FBI.
And the pink phone rears it's ugly head again.
This thread goes down in history with Tomcatter, Window Seat Girl and that whoever it was pretending to be the freakish Russian.
me thinks Wac(k)o has developed an alter-ego and is demonstrating schizophrenia in it's most entertaining form....
No, I'm pretty sure it's fantastically romantic to reunite with the man who knows you, who knows your body, whose body you know... the sex is INCREDIBLE.

I mean, it could be. Hypothetically.

Or it could suck. Completely suck...

(You are still not improving as a wingman).
I read about (but didn't see) some forum where they posted a "What does your desktop look like" thread and people would take screen shots of their desktop and post it. Apparently one guy did this and all was well, save a folder on the desktop that he labeled "Tranny Porn".

I think we may be experiencing that exact kind of brain fart with Boris' dainty phone.
This thread is so filled with Fail I figured I should bring it up. Does the pink match your flight suite??? FAIL!!!111
I just have to wait this one out long enough for FlapperGirl to crash through the skylight with more news from the jazz world.
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