Life at Compass

That's awesome!

A friend of a friend was looking at Compass but decided on Skywest. Because in his words. You guys have the oldest clapped out 175's in the industry.


Last time I checked, and this was last week, the AA 175s fly exactly the same as our "clapped out" DL birds

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That's awesome!

A friend of a friend was looking at Compass but decided on Skywest. Because in his words. You guys have the oldest clapped out 175's in the industry.


Your friends choose really, really odd company...
All the 175s are the same after about 6 months when that new plane smell wears off.
Your friends choose really, really odd company...
All the 175s are the same after about 6 months when that new plane smell wears off.

I think that many are missing the real point of my post. It wasn't meant as an attack. Nor was really about your fleet perse. But about SJS, in the eyes of some millennials. When the point isn't about about flying factory fresh shiny new jets, but getting experience and hours the fastest. Upgrading and moving up the food chain. But some, as the reference person, can't see the forest for the trees.

And get a 1% raise, instead.

Okay, now that... that might have been shade.
And its 154% at delta, $219 vs $86.

It's better to start looking from around third year pay.

You'll find most ratios are that FO's make around 60% of CA pay.

The ratio isn't perfect but generally pretty close. At $75 for captains, you'd expect FO's to make $45, which is a whole lot closer now.