Life at Compass

No,but you can get a pretty nice 4-5 bedroom 2000 sq foot house with a pool for under 200k in a phx suburb. My mortgage is under $1300 a month

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and how much could you rent it out for? $2,000? But they can't afford to own it...
I love the "can't afford a house" mentality. One of the biggest mistakes someone can make IMO is not owning a home. You certainly can, as mentioned you just need to be realistic.
I dislike owning houses.
Owned two in the recent years and rented a townhouse before that.
Rental was awesome. People showed up to mow the grass and trim the trees and if something broke I called the owner.
Then the kid came along and two bedroom place wasn't big enough. After much searching bought a house in dire need of remodelling across the street. Both are handy, so I ripped out the floors, fixed up the structural stuff, replaced a cast iron tub with a whirlpool and so forth while the wife did the painting and layed tile. It was a hobby I never wanted that took up all the free time for the next four months or so. And then the wife raking the damn leaves and me mowing the grass on the weekends on top.
Fast forward half a year, she gets a job out of state, we sell the place. Sweat equity amounted to about 20-25% net (house sold for 40% more thsn what we paid for it a year before).
That was a reasonable 2300 sq ft place if FL.
Now I'm a proud owner of a 4000+ sq ft (plus the basement) place in an established neighborhood in NW Chicago burbs. You guessed it - ripped the floors, new kitchen, shower and toilet fixtures, lights, receptacles, switches, some plumbing and so forth.
Now I mostly live and work in FL and I have a gut feeling that just as I'm done wasting my off time on the damn place we'll be selling it. There's talks about what we're buying in FL should she find a job here. Frankly I'd take a boat if it wasn't for two kids. But overall, renting is a much more peaceful experience where most problems are solved with "S__t broke" phone call
All done with captain everything!
... still can't afford a house in Seattle by any means. Maybe out in gig harbor or something, but what would the point be?
Sounds like you're making a huge mistake! Real estate market is good in South Dakota! Why are you in Seattle?!

Stupid millennials....
Sell back your vacation or we are gonna take it from you!!! Yeah, that's really gonna help recruiting. Come to Compass where you get paid vacation unless of course we say you don't because we are so completely and utterly overwhelmed we actually have no idea what we are doing. Very sad what this place has turned into but I can't say it was not unexpected.
Sell back your vacation or we are gonna take it from you!!! Yeah, that's really gonna help recruiting. Come to Compass where you get paid vacation unless of course we say you don't because we are so completely and utterly overwhelmed we actually have no idea what we are doing. Very sad what this place has turned into but I can't say it was not unexpected.
Did I miss this memo? Which one is it?

Disregard..found it. I have November vacation and there will be serious problems if they try to grab it from me.
Same here. Not to sound like Milton from office space but... i mean come on, I worked all year for that vacation and booked flights and stuff.
Oh I'm familiar but I used points so it's kind of hard to put a value on it. Plus, just, yknow, Thanksgiving is the one time of the year that I get to see my sister and cousins and everyone gathered at the same place, I don't mind working Christmas but I was very excited to see this week open and snag it out of vacation open time, it's a real morale killer if they take it but going in inverse seniority order as a junior captain doesn't bode too well for me keeping it if they are gonna actually pull them.
Oh I'm familiar but I used points so it's kind of hard to put a value on it. Plus, just, yknow, Thanksgiving is the one time of the year that I get to see my sister and cousins and everyone gathered at the same place, I don't mind working Christmas but I was very excited to see this week open and snag it out of vacation open time, it's a real morale killer if they take it but going in inverse seniority order as a junior captain doesn't bode too well for me keeping it if they are gonna actually pull them.

I'm in the same boat as you! I will however be in contactable if they take my time away

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Gentlemen, is it really the brightest idea to post on a public forum that you're going to refuse come to work when you're required to do so?

That's like banging in sick and then posting the pictures of you in Vegas to the company Facebook page.
Gentlemen, is it really the brightest idea to post on a public forum that you're going to refuse come to work when you're required to do so?

That's like banging in sick and then posting the pictures of you in Vegas to the company Facebook page.

No it's not. This is "anonymous" and FB has your name and picture.

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No it's not. This is "anonymous" and FB has your name and picture.

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You're out of your mind.

The Chiefs already know who half the people are on here, and they either lurk or post here and on APC. They'll figure it out pretty quickly when guys don't show up to work.

And forum threads have been used in grievance hearings before, amiright @amorris311?
You say 'gentleman' as if I also said what ClearedForWhat did.... I didn't say I wouldn't come... I said I'd talk to Bob Gleason and Rick Leach. And yeah plenty of people know who I am on here personally, so no I wouldn't be so dumb as to post something like that. :)