Life at Compass

Anyone else get an email today saying they are being sent a bill for uncollected dues?

Yeah I got the same email this afternoon too. I no longer fly for an ALPA carrier so I wasn't sure if it had anything to do with my departure.
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Anyone else get an email today saying they are being sent a bill for uncollected dues?

I had to write a check for about $35 a little less than a year after my departure.

I can't remember which issue caused it but it is indeed correct and not an error.
Anyone else get an email today saying they are being sent a bill for uncollected dues?

$68 for me. What I paid over the course of 2016 works out to a perfect 1.8% dues rate, adding the $68 puts it at 1.9%...weird that the math works out both ways. Was trying to remember, guessing the dues rate is indeed 1.9%? I'm not one to pay an unexpected bill without questioning it first...
I can see it now. FOQA newsletter for braking to make the reverse...

It seems like max reverse and damn near max brakes is the norm lately, despite AOM I saying otherwise. Roll to AA, I don't care, what's the point of a greaser if the last thing the passengers remember is eating the seat in front of them...
Speaking as a SEA guy, since when did it matter anyway? "Gate is occupied..." maybe that'll change now, but..
It seems like max reverse and damn near max brakes is the norm lately, despite AOM I saying otherwise. Roll to AA, I don't care, what's the point of a greaser if the last thing the passengers remember is eating the seat in front of them...
My thoughts exactly. "Nice touch down! Oh crap brace myself so I don't hit the seat in front of me"
It's the norm if I have a commute to make. But yeah, I get it. Flying with a guy who lands and then slams on the brakes and then abruptly releases at 80 knots. Odd.

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Landed a DL flight today and we were 20 minutes late because of GDP. Still had to wait for a gate. It was funny having the north control send us down the south route and 121.4 promptly states "he sent you the wrong way."

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