Life at Compass

Are you guys really this dense? You weren't there, and don't know all that happened in the three hours prior to blowing the slide. Frankly, I don't know what I would have done in this situation. Blow the slide? Maybe. Probably, not.. Seeing that photo of the Acars with the "OMG u have one minute to blow the slide or doom" well being safe and sound on the ground, what's the rush? I'd need time to evaluate the situation. I would think that in the time prior to blowing the slide they were working out a plan.. And this was the last resort all parties agreed on. I don't know. I wasn't the captain, and neither were you. You all are quick to judge when there could be more to the story.
I emailed the FCView guy asking him to add netline importing for all of us very sad compass subscribers... maybe he'll take pity on us. It's just parsing a PDF file. How involved can it be!?!
It's just parsing a PDF file. How involved can it be!?!
I think maybe we are hating on LIDO,NetLine,IOCC too much,I mean the Germans found SAN in 1904...and that turned out to be a pretty awesome place. So maybe there's hope.

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Why am I unable to view open time periods? Is it truly because I'm on an Apple? With the SAP open, I should be able to see them for February but all I see next to Trip Trading is No Open Periods. Anybody else seeing it on an Apple?
Why am I unable to view open time periods? Is it truly because I'm on an Apple? With the SAP open, I should be able to see them for February but all I see next to Trip Trading is No Open Periods. Anybody else seeing it on an Apple?

Same. I don't believe you will see any open periods until midnight MSP time tonight. SAP was available in OTM until last night.