Life at Compass

Are you guys really this dense? You weren't there, and don't know all that happened in the three hours prior to blowing the slide. Frankly, I don't know what I would have done in this situation. Blow the slide? Maybe. Probably, not.. Seeing that photo of the Acars with the "OMG u have one minute to blow the slide or doom" well being safe and sound on the ground, what's the rush? I'd need time to evaluate the situation. I would think that in the time prior to blowing the slide they were working out a plan.. And this was the last resort all parties agreed on. I don't know. I wasn't the captain, and neither were you. You all are quick to judge when there could be more to the story.
I can armchair quarterback this all day long. So can others. Would I have made the same decision this crew made?possibly.who knows what their thought process is or the state they were in.

Other than a Shrug and "interesting choice" my issue is not with the crew. At this point I am incredibly disappointed with the company that they thought this was an option. That is an inexcusable reason to pressure a crew to declare an emergency

Someone needs to take a serious look at the person who sent that acars. How high up the chain was this decision taken?
I don't have to be there to know how dumb that was


I can armchair quarterback this all day long. So can others. Would I have made the same decision this crew made?possibly.who knows what their thought process is or the state they were in.

Other than a Shrug and "interesting choice" my issue is not with the crew. At this point I am incredibly disappointed with the company that they thought this was an option. That is an inexcusable reason to pressure a crew to declare an emergency

Someone needs to take a serious look at the person who sent that acars. How high up the chain was this decision taken?

Ya, this has been on my mind today too. That and how after almost 3 hours do we get to the point of "OMG blow the slide! Emergency!"
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Declaring an emergency is not for saving the company a fine for tarmac delay. I hope the company gets slapped with something from the FAA for improper use of safety equipment or something. I don't think blowing the slide stops the clock. (Not my pics)
As Walter would say..."Amateurs."

I'd hope someone given command of an airliner would have enough maturity to refuse such a flagrantly idiotic order.
Oh, boy.

"Though slides deployed, Feinstein said this was accidental and the airline is working with Compass Airlines, a regional affiliate, to determine why."

If that photo of the ACARS message is authentic, then this is going to get very, very interesting for CPZ.
Yeah. Honestly, this is starting to make me nervous. I'm kind of thinking those photos should maybe be taken down
Oh, boy.

"Though slides deployed, Feinstein said this was accidental and the airline is working with Compass Airlines, a regional affiliate, to determine why."

If that photo of the ACARS message is authentic, then this is going to get very, very interesting for CPZ.
I feel bad for the underling that gets scapegoated for this. If this incident doesn't highlight a glaring issue I'm fearful for what will.
Yeah. Honestly, this is starting to make me nervous. I'm kind of thinking those photos should maybe be taken down
Why? This serves as an example that we as pilots ultimately bear the sole responsibly for safe operation of our aircraft. External pressures from dispatch, chief pilots, etc. be damned. A secondary lesson here is the spin from AA or Compass to the media about the actual occurrence. Ops had 3 hours to find a gate and handle the logistics of the diversion. The capt authorizing the deployment of a slide in an attempt to "stop the clock" is absolutely absurd. Lets hope that some lessons are learned from this and ops improve over there.
Edit: ... on second thought, nah, i don't think I really want to be posting about this.

The whole situation is probably a lot more complicated than any of us know. We don't have any real info on what actually went down, so I just don't think its necessary to pile on the crew.. It certainly was an interesting scenario to think about today.
Oh, boy.

Question for you or anyone else at compass;

At my shop our Flight manual states
"Either the Captain of a flight or the dispatcher may, at his discretion, declare an emergency when any circumstance or condition jeopardizes safety of flight"

Does compass have this same caveat? Not that it directly applies in this situation, but it made me think of it.
Question for you or anyone else at compass;

At my shop our Flight manual states
"Either the Captain of a flight or the dispatcher may, at his discretion, declare an emergency when any circumstance or condition jeopardizes safety of flight"

Does compass have this same caveat? Not that it directly applies in this situation, but it made me think of it.

Our FOM states "A flight crew member or dispatcher will declare an emergency anytime the safety of flight is in question. Examples are, but not limited to:".
and then it lists a bunch of examples. However based on the ACARs, it sounded like dispatch was telling them to declare and they themselves didn't explicitly declare one for them. And you're right, it doesn't apply to this situation as far as we know, busting 3 hours on the ground doesn't seem to be a safety of flight issue.
The fines issued for failing to provide a safe opportunity to deplane falls into the "not my problem" category quite quickly.
I am thinking the crew just realized how stupid this idea was, popped the slides to cover their butts, and said "yeah, we're actually gonna wait for some stairs."
Oh this is great! The hits keep coming. Why we need this, I really don't understand....

We have an updated FOM..... this language was added for CA that are high Mins....

G. A High Minimums PIC will conduct all takeoffs and landings
during his/her first 100 hours of line operations as PIC. The
SIC may serve as Pilot Flying during enroute portions of the
flight, but a positive transfer of controls must be coordinated
per FOM 6-13.2 after takeoff and/or before landing. [Compass