Life at Compass

Well, the previous time I ended up on right base inside the FAF at 5500' and too fast for Flaps 1...I just don't understand it.
Heh, last time it was "hey will you check if they still need that 230 last published speed, we're getting pretty close"
"Well that's what's on the arrival so..."
2 seconds later abeam the FAF "turn left to intercept cleared short approach rwy 12L"

Heh, last time it was "hey will you check if they still need that 230 last published speed, we're getting pretty close"
"Well that's what's on the arrival so..."
2 seconds later abeam the FAF "turn left to intercept cleared short approach rwy 12L"

My new favorite word is "unable." Actually, that's not my new favorite word. I just plan on saying it a little more frequently than I have been.

@jtrain609 would approve of how this went:
-change approach in SFO once from ILS to LDA PRM, read AAUP furiously-
"K now expect the Quiet Bridge Visual to 28R"
"Roger" -immediately thereafter:
"Now join the SFO 095 radial and track it inbound."
"Um. That's going to take us a minute to set up, sir. We still have the FMS Bridge loaded if that helps."
"OH! Perfect! Join that instead."
"With pleasure."

(You would not have approved of the poorly-executed sidestep in Denver. "You know, I could really use a localizer and glide slope" -typetypetypetype- ... "never mind," and resume staring out the window)