Latest offer from FedEx management: We know it sucks here, we worked out an offer for you guys to go to PSA instead!

It has been an interesting day or three watching Purple pilots on social media rationally discuss the most recent events with our union.

Fortunately, I was on APC through the Cactus/USAirways merger, so I'm prepared for what stupid union infighting shenanigans can potentially look like.

That, my friend was one of the longest and most embarrassing events in my union membership.
I'd say Article Eighting the former national president ranks slightly higher. The fact that he was able to do what he did... not the throwing the book at him part.

I think, sometimes, we should actually THROW books and scream phrases like "I don't want peace… I ONLY WANT PROBLEMS….ALWAYS!"
Just don't do it in that really instagramy library near your Korea hotel.

I still don't get it. We took a short cut through there to hit an ATM and there was literally a line of IG'ers waiting to approach the escalator, one by one, with their assistant standing below. I kinda just cut through and made some people very passive-aggressively upset. :)
Hear there is a bit of internal strife going on that management probably finds entirely entertaining.
I mostly did hub turns my whole career other than some hots and reserve. Need to go do international to get out of it. Even with the sleep rooms I could never nap. Just sucked at it. The best hub turns were shorter legs. Like back in the 72 days there were lots of them. FWA-SDF. But coast to coast with two legs on the outbound should be outlawed.
I bid days, they’re long but without the hub turns for the most part. I JS with a crew last week that did BHM-SDF 2.5hr sit -PHX-ONT. CS added the last leg when the night started. I’m a team player but that last leg would’ve been a hard maybe and an easy no.