Key Lime Air Piston Pay Raise


Well-Known Member
Effective in a week rates are as follows:

DOH through IOE: 20K Salary
Completion of IOE: 25K Salary
6 months after DOH: 30K Salary

Pay is the same whether on full day, half day, or standby duty.

From the first schedule to come out it looks like the newer guys will get flown more to build their time as the senior guys do more half day and standby. Next week I've got two half days and two days of standby. Unfortunately next week is under the old pay scale but since I pass my 6 month mark next week the following week will make up for it.

Upgrade to the Metro is still running 6-8 months. Currently we're pretty solid on Piston drivers although there's two in the next class and I'm number two for upgrade. We'll see....
Just curious, but if your on standby is that in Denver and what is the call time? Are you at the airport? And what's a half day? Seems like if you were to fly somewhere, you'd have to sit and fly back. That would be a full day...I think.
Just curious, but if your on standby is that in Denver and what is the call time? Are you at the airport? And what's a half day? Seems like if you were to fly somewhere, you'd have to sit and fly back. That would be a full day...I think.
Standby is more like ready reserve I guess. Both standby and half day pilots show at 0400. We preflight, runup, and get paperwork ready. Then we monitor the early load on some Metro flights to ensure that the Metro PIC (who shows at 0500) knows where everything is. We had a few incidents where the loaders put all the heavy stuff forward and then had to totally unload and reload the aircraft.

There are two half day runs where the Navajo flies the morning outbound then returns to DEN empty. Inbound freight is picked up by a Metro in the evening.

Standby pilots are basically there to have a hot spare ready to go, or cover some other run if a Metro blows out. There are also Metro standbys as well. Standby pilots are released when the last aircraft leaves the last intermediate stop. For example we have a piston run in the AM that flies DEN-LAA,TAD. When that aircraft has departed LAA the standby pilot is then released.
At the very least, that's less offensive than before. And I haven't heard any second hand tales of overloading or pushing for at least a few years. Could it be a corner has been turned? Certainly hope so, and congrats.
At the very least, that's less offensive than before. And I haven't heard any second hand tales of overloading or pushing for at least a few years. Could it be a corner has been turned? Certainly hope so, and congrats.
Overloading would be hard as we'll usually bulk out before gross.

As for pushing, the company is very clear that the mins on the chart are the mins. Often dispatch (which really means the lady in the ops van) will want you to go if the METAR shows below mins but the TAF shows improvement. My personal solution is to file to UPS's preferred alternate with my desired destination as an intermediate point in the flight plan. If it isn't above mins when I'm overhead I'm on my way to the alternate and UPS will have a truck waiting.
That's reasonably consistent with what we did at a "reputable" UPS/DHL contractor, although I don't think anyone would ever have suggested that I go if I didn't think it was a good idea (more often than not, they'd refuse to LET me go). But of course that's largely a function of the pilot, rather than the managment. Whatever the case, I'm glad things are improving over there (if indeed they were ever all that bad...all I have are rumors and innuendo, now many years out of date).
My personal solution is to file to UPS's preferred alternate with my desired destination as an intermediate point in the flight plan.

We used to do that at my company ( 135 & 121 supplemental ). the FAA put an end to it, saying it was illegal ( Faa viewed it as gaming the system and not following the destination & alternate weather rules for the the "real destination & alternate" ). Since it was a wide spread company practice no pilots were violated and FAA fixed the problem with the company. As every FSDO view & interpret the FAR their own way, you might be all right.

Just watch your back, the company #1 priority is to deliver the good your certificate & career are not.

Just my 2cents.
My personal solution is to file to UPS's preferred alternate with my desired destination as an intermediate point in the flight plan.

We used to do that at my company ( 135 & 121 supplemental ). the FAA put an end to it, saying it was illegal ( Faa viewed it as gaming the system and not following the destination & alternate weather rules for the the "real destination & alternate" ). Since it was a wide spread company practice no pilots were violated and FAA fixed the problem with the company. As every FSDO view & interpret the FAR their own way, you might be all right.

Just watch your back, the company #1 priority is to deliver the good your certificate & career are not.

Just my 2cents.
Huh? There's nothing wrong with that. As long as the destination he's filing to is legal, and the alternate he picks is legal. If he gets close to where he wants to go and the wx is good, you can change destination en route, no problem there. You still have your legal alternate. You can have ATL as a point on your flight plan from LAX to SEA if you want to. We have routes daily that are filed to an airport we don't actually intend on going to, because the airport we want to go to, you can't legally file to under 135... but it's close and the hope is you can get down, cancel and go to the other one vfr.
Basically, you file to where is legal, and intend on going there. However, while enroute, if the wx comes up at the airport you'd rather go to, then you change destination and go there.
Not a whole lot honestly. Thought maybe they were getting away from those geared engines. They still down to one 404?
Yeah, they've both been up for a while now. They upgraded one of the pilots a month ago and just now got his replacement through IOE.
I heard they were still moving MC between the pistons and the metros. I heard he had some trouble with the upgrade.
Glad to hear they aren't jerking him around. It didn't work out well in the past.

Anyways... congrats on the pay raise! I hope the shenanigans are long gone.