Key Lime Air Piston Pay Raise

Do they understand that they are bound by the RLA too and can't actually do that?

I think they can shut down the business whenever they want to and the RLA can't really stop them. Not saying it's right or that they should, just that you can't force a business to not close by passing a law.
all i see is the dreaded red-x

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Well this "raise" isn't exactly that great. Good for KL but still less than the rest of the industry
Well, I'm making more and working a lot less. It's a step in the right direction.

In truth the Navajo slots at places like KL or Amflight is just a means to the turbine equipment.
I think they can shut down the business whenever they want to and the RLA can't really stop them. Not saying it's right or that they should, just that you can't force a business to not close by passing a law.
Thats true, but they can't lock out and use replacement workers. I would say that threatening suicide is probably not genuine, and if it is they don't deserve to be in business in the first place.
I thought pilots getting better pay was supposd to be a good thing. Now more money is suddenly not good enough?

I guess there's just no pleasng some people.
If you had read my posts, you would have understood that pay raises are good, but the company now will hold that over their employees... I've had a friend work there ask for a sick day (which are unpaid) because he was unsafe to fly. He asked for another one the next day to go see the doctor and the DO replied "Another? After we already helped you out yesterday?" I mean what kind of bull is that?

Plus you would've read that KLA likes to be sue happy. 8 pilots at a time. Some were served almost a full year after they left. If you're gonna sue for a training contract (which they outright break on day number 1) do so when they turn in their badge, not when they make year number 2 seniority at another airline.

And as far as Chuck Yeager over there... your time will come when KLA asks you to do something illegal, hold it over your head, fire you for not doing it, then sue you for a training contract. If I were you, I would watch your ass. After seeing the effects of certain pilots, in real life (not just on this board) I've made it a personal mission to ensure that KLA does not get another misinformed, uneducated, and naive pilot. People need to be aware of what scum bags are in management. Sure, you can say "Oh, it'll be a quick upgrade to the Metro." or "Oh, they just gave a pay raise to us now making slightly over minimum wage." That's all fine and dandy, but the QOL sucks, the hours suck, the management lies right to your face about scheduling or upgrading, and accounting love their magic math (ask about your paycheck and you'll get a vague reply about 2 weeks later.)

Anyway, I'm done ranting (for now.) PM me if you'd like. I still keep in touch with some of those lost souls over there, so I have a pretty good idea of whats going on.
I've had a friend work there ask for a sick day (which are unpaid) because he was unsafe to fly. He asked for another one the next day to go see the doctor and the DO replied "Another? After we already helped you out yesterday?"

That was my best friend from college that that happened to. I couldn't believe it when I heard it! You wont find that happening at a fedex feeder, that's for sure.
Plus you would've read that KLA likes to be sue happy. 8 pilots at a time. Some were served almost a full year after they left. If you're gonna sue for a training contract (which they outright break on day number 1) do so when they turn in their badge, not when they make year number 2 seniority at another airline.
Wow, what could the contract possibly say to make that valid. If they let you go, then they are the one's breaking it. If they break any agreement at all within it, then again, neither party is held to it anymore.