KCM versus Pilot versus "himself" versus them... or the system? WTF?

Something's wrong with that guy's story. I get it after being 20+ days on the road, and I'm assuming he's home-based and airlining home. I understand the frustration with the TSA.

But something doesn't pass the sniff test here.
That was my logic. I said, if I just came from the gun range, is that illegal? "Well no, but you could have bomb making materials on you." OK so did you find any? "No, but that is why we need deeper searches."

It was total BS...

Do they honestly think that gunpowder is a tell tale sign of making a bomb? I mean maybe if you are an idiot and hand building your own detonator cap or something. But a terrorist level bomb……i dunno, it seems like it would be a lot “tidier” than that
I once worked for an airline that had to use TSA checkpoints for all ground staff for several months all because someone had a knife by mistake, was told to put it in their car, but went to the bypass instead. This...may have consequences for more than our hero if he indeed is a pilot. I didn't think he actually was when I watched it. I guess I was wrong. Terrifying.
Do they honestly think that gunpowder is a tell tale sign of making a bomb? I mean maybe if you are an idiot and hand building your own detonator cap or something. But a terrorist level bomb……i dunno, it seems like it would be a lot “tidier” than that

Oh I know. To think the liquids that can be brought through undetected too...
I’m in the “naughty book” in LHR because of a hand lotion I had in my bag that I forgot to pull out and had to sign her majesties affidavit that if my flight was delayed, it was because of my incompetence about following the rules.

That’s fine. Whatever. That tremendously frustrating experience through security isn’t sipping coffee this morning and thinking about ME at all.

This is my got randomed/bad TA experience take:

This is my got randomed/bad TA experience take:

View attachment 82082

It is fun to watch professionals have an aneurism over being random’d when the alternative is too lax of security and ____ happens. I’ve had my moments but never become unglued about it. These guys are keeping notes in their phone each time through KCM or being random’d is probability correlated to the hypertension log your primary care physician wants to see each visit.

Those are the same guys that when asked about their flight experience: “I haven’t filled out a logbook in ten years.”
It is fun to watch professionals have an aneurism over being random’d when the alternative is too lax of security and ____ happens. I’ve had my moments but never become unglued about it. These guys are keeping notes in their phone each time through KCM or being random’d is probability correlated to the hypertension log your primary care physician wants to see each visit.

Those are the same guys that when asked about their flight experience: “I haven’t filled out a logbook in ten years.”

Except the “sh*t that happened” happened because of items that were allowed on 9/11 in carryons at the time. I refuse to believe the TSA made us safer.
Except the “sh*t that happened” happened because of items that were allowed on 9/11 in carryons at the time. I refuse to believe the TSA made us safer.

Partially correct. The outcome was their intent all along, they just found the weakness in the system and exploited it to accomplish the mission. Having current procedures in place prevent the sequel.

Although, it is my understanding that KCM has been under such scrutiny and is being replaced because of crew members failing to follow the rules, not because of an outside threat.