KCM versus Pilot versus "himself" versus them... or the system? WTF?

I tried, very clumsily, to talk about the bro-ification of Silicon Valley with someone a few weeks ago.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a large fan of the very well-protected sandbox I live in nowadays. I doubt I would be able to (or willing to) do as much on a computer or smartphone, especially smartphone, as I would without many of the things that I also see as an avenue to choke off/cut off free software. Put simply, I need all of that stuff so that I can trust my phone and my computer, but I know a lot of it is not solely done with my interests as a user in mind. Apple are probably the least offensive of the lot, as they still tell law enforcement to go to hell when told to break into someone's phone, but still.

There is, to me, considerable irony involved that I use a Linux handheld to play DRM-protected Windows games and it does a better job of being a Windows machine than an actual Windows machine, though.
And they •tified the movies just like everything else they’ve touched

That really didn’t start until Disney bought them.

People forget that Marvel had just been through bankruptcy, and sold most of the family jewels to keep the lights on. All they had was a lineup of second stringers no one outside the comic genre had ever heard of.

No one would bankroll them and so they had to roll the dice with Gutter directing and someone considered washed up just out of rehab. They had literally zero options left (remember at this point, Warner owned DC).

They rolled the hard six, and got super, super lucky they had the right people in the right places, and they caught lightning in a bottle.
they had to roll the dice with Gutter directing