John and Martha Get Jacked Up.

Poor Martha. What a conundrum! A debacle. A charade!


"Go easy on me. My hip!"

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.

I like J&M King. They bring a light sense of humor to aviation, something JC does on a daily basis as well.:beer:
Like I said, it's a nice place to live, but it's not the best, in my opnion. I'm not one for the "keeping up with the Jones's" mentality. And CA is full of that kind of attitude.
I travel a lot, and I have yet to find a place that I like as much as the Bay Area. All but 5 kids in my graduating class went to some form of college, and we're talking public school. There have been 3 murders in my city in the 20 years I've lived here, none of them random. I can walk through town at any period of the night and not ever worry about getting robbed. Within 35 minutes of my house there are 3 large airports to fly into so I never get stuck coming home(Seriously, there's always a seat home somewhere). I have walked home before from SFO. Because SFO is under the jurisdiction of San Francisco County, I get free health-care working part time plus the highest wages of any station in the whole airline. I work 1 minute past my shift and I start getting paid overtime. Drive 1 hour and I can go to the beach, go to hiking in a forest, or go camping in the mountains. Its between 50-70 almost entirely year round and it rarely fogs in where I live. The hills offer a panoramic view of the whole Bay Area. Oh, and most of the women are really hot compared to other places I've been based on just what you see walking around.

I mean the list goes on, but I'm spoiled living here. I will be the first to admit, I could never afford to live here now. My grandpa bought this house in 1950 for $50,000 which is why I'm here today. Now houses in Millbrae sell between 800k and 2 million+. Yes, its outrageous I know, but it has motivated me to go out and make as much money as I can to stay here my whole life. To some people, a house that expensive would never be worth the price. Maybe you don't care about anything I mentioned. Maybe you could give a crap less about the view. That's okay, YMMV, but personally this is my Mecca. It may not be yours, but I don't understand when people say the Bay Area isn't worth the price. Maybe Hayward isn't, but Millbrae, Burlingame, Hillsborough, Palo Alto(not EPA), Woodside? I won't talk crap about the rest of the nation since I just visit and don't live there, but walk in my shoes for a week and your views on living here will probably change. People seem so quick to shoot the Bay Area down when in reality most people are very happy here. I just don't get it.
I travel a lot, and I have yet to find a place that I like as much as the Bay Area. All but 5 kids in my graduating class went to some form of college, and we're talking public school. There have been 3 murders in my city in the 20 years I've lived here, none of them random. I can walk through town at any period of the night and not ever worry about getting robbed. Within 35 minutes of my house there are 3 large airports to fly into so I never get stuck coming home(Seriously, there's always a seat home somewhere). I have walked home before from SFO. Because SFO is under the jurisdiction of San Francisco County, I get free health-care working part time plus the highest wages of any station in the whole airline. I work 1 minute past my shift and I start getting paid overtime. Drive 1 hour and I can go to the beach, go to hiking in a forest, or go camping in the mountains. Its between 50-70 almost entirely year round and it rarely fogs in where I live. The hills offer a panoramic view of the whole Bay Area. Oh, and most of the women are really hot compared to other places I've been based on just what you see walking around.

I mean the list goes on, but I'm spoiled living here. I will be the first to admit, I could never afford to live here now. My grandpa bought this house in 1950 for $50,000 which is why I'm here today. Now houses in Millbrae sell between 800k and 2 million+. Yes, its outrageous I know, but it has motivated me to go out and make as much money as I can to stay here my whole life. To some people, a house that expensive would never be worth the price. Maybe you don't care about anything I mentioned. Maybe you could give a crap less about the view. That's okay, YMMV, but personally this is my Mecca. It may not be yours, but I don't understand when people say the Bay Area isn't worth the price. Maybe Hayward isn't, but Millbrae, Burlingame, Hillsborough, Palo Alto(not EPA), Woodside? I won't talk crap about the rest of the nation since I just visit and don't live there, but walk in my shoes for a week and your views on living here will probably change. People seem so quick to shoot the Bay Area down when in reality most people are very happy here. I just don't get it.


Some people would rather shovel snow after they get out of it. Or have hurricane or dust storm parties. Most people that don't like CA don't' like it because they can't afford it. It has nothing to do with the hippies, yes they have taken over gov but the regular people of the state are sane and nice. We did elect the governator after all!

Some people would rather shovel snow after they get out of it. Or have hurricane or dust storm parties. Most people that don't like CA don't' like it because they can't afford it. It has nothing to do with the hippies, yes they have taken over gov but the regular people of the state are sane and nice. We did elect the governator after all!
It like my grandpa always told me:
"Unsuccessful people talk about what they can't afford, successful people find a way to afford things". Yet everyone else talks crap about the people who manage to make an awesome living in CA.
Thats my point. A single city is the most desirable. The rest of then are mediocre at best.

Like I said, it's a nice place to live, but it's not the best, in my opnion. I'm not one for the "keeping up with the Jones's" mentality. And CA is full of that kind of attitude.

LOL, every city in CA short of maybe Bakersfield and the ones in the central valley is desirable, look at property values. There is nothing wrong with the CA attitude of work hard and play hard. That's the reason why CA has prospered as a state, at least the people have. But I sense this is moot topic for pilots because we can't afford CA anyways.:beer:
Yeah, 2 of my neighbors just moved and the houses both sold in less than 2 weeks each. I guess no one wants to live here.
Or have hurricane or dust storm parties.

Or earthquake parties. I remember celebrating my brothers birthday party with our neighbors the day after Northridge with a Marie Callenders pie that was going to go bad because we still had no electricity, and sleeping outside in the bed of a truck for a week. Then sleeping in the living room for a month after that. Then living in a motorhome for 7 monthsa after that because our house was yellow tagged.

And I remember living in FL through a hurricane, moving cars close together in the middle of the new car lot, putting up the hurricane panels on the windows, going to sleep that night and waking up the next morning taking off the panels, and going back to work to move the cars back into their parking spots so we could do biusness the day after that.

Every place has it's vices. I can afford to live here in CA, it's where I live. But I am not willing to spend the kind of money it takes to live here if I can avoid it. My money goes farther in other places. So I am happy taking it there.
Okay, I feel a little mean saying this.. but you gotta say.. this is kinda funny.

I'm with you on this one. I'm sure everything got ironed out just fine and Jon an Martha were back flying and living the good life in no time. Since they are about the last people you would ever expect to see in this situation; how can a guys not see a little humor in that?
Maybe the person who tipped them off just got sick of the junk mail?
Are you calling Martha's junk....junk?:mad:

The hours of entertainment those King catalogs have given me in the bathroom late at night are far worth any inconvenience they may cause as they overflow from your mailbox.
Are you calling Martha's junk....junk?:mad:

The hours of entertainment those King catalogs have given me in the bathroom late at night are far worth any inconvenience they may cause as they overflow from your mailbox.
Dude, that sounds so very wrong. Do you have something for Martha?:panic:

BTW It is junk, but King schools isn't nearly as bad as AOPA. A few days ago I got 4 copies of the same issue of AOPA magazine in the mail.....
There is nothing wrong with the CA attitude of work hard and play hard.

The only problem with that statement, is it doesn't seem like anyone works hard, especially in socal! I swear, everytime I go out there I feel like the most ambitious person in the state.

That being said, I love Cali, especially socal and would move there in a heartbeat if an opportunity came along.
Dude, that sounds so very wrong. Do you have something for Martha?:panic:

BTW It is junk, but King schools isn't nearly as bad as AOPA. A few days ago I got 4 copies of the same issue of AOPA magazine in the mail.....
Same here! Part of the member bennys or what? If so that's weak.
The only problem with that statement, is it doesn't seem like anyone works hard, especially in socal! I swear, everytime I go out there I feel like the most ambitious person in the state.

That being said, I love Cali, especially socal and would move there in a heartbeat if an opportunity came along.

We just make working hard look good. :)

60-70 hours a week and I still find a way to spend a lot of time at the beach!
Here's the only town in CA I'd be willing to live in...


You mean you wouldn't like to live here?

Wow there is a lot of hate for CA. I love my state, the geography, the history, and the variety. I don't care for the plastic attitudes, COL, and politics that hinder the growth and punish the populace. It is failing and it is sad. But we are one of fifty other states in the Union. I have visited quite a few and never found another that I would readily call home. Born and raised.

At least if this happened to the Kings some attention will be brought to the matter.

Carry on.