John and Martha Get Jacked Up.

None taken. Start with Sacramento...let them lead the way for once... *grouse* :mad:
You guys really have a horrible excuse for a government in CA. I though NM was bad with our 80 year old speaker of the house who has been known to fall asleep during long sessions.....
It looks like the Kings are going to help develop a set of nationally adopted police procedures for incidents involving aircraft. This is according to today's issue of AOPA Aviation E- brief (probably the only useful email ever sent by AOPA).

Hopefully this will prevent certain instances such as this one from happening in the future, but I don't blame the cops. They are doing there job, and I would have done the same thing if I was in their position. You never know who is going to come out of the airplane so better safe than sorry. The big screwup was in the information or lack therof about the N number.
I'd like to see the video tutorial on that one!

Good ole' Martha in front of the green screen getting tased, "don't tase me yo"!

I remember seeing the pictures of her getting out of the plane with her hands up. Cracked me up!:rotfl:
I guess their new video will be about what to do when you go through the DC ADIZ and get intercepted. This part will be in it!:laff:

Maybe this will be on an episode of cops!
SoCal is so overrated, when I first went to the US everybody told me that I have to visit SoCal. Honestly?? Most of the beaches are not that great, the water is polluted, the air is polluted, you sit hours in the car to go anywhere, there is no public transportation, the only few times I really felt unsafe in the US it was in SoCal.......
SoCal is so overrated, when I first went to the US everybody told me that I have to visit SoCal. Honestly?? Most of the beaches are not that great, the water is polluted, the air is polluted, you sit hours in the car to go anywhere, there is no public transportation, the only few times I really felt unsafe in the US it was in SoCal.......

I don't disagree with you but that isn't going win too many fans on this board. Some SoCal folks tend to think it has a decent lead on property on the gold paved roads of heaven
Nah, we're more than happy to hear people not want to visit California.

We're not exactly begging for more settlers.
SoCal is so overrated, when I first went to the US everybody told me that I have to visit SoCal. Honestly?? Most of the beaches are not that great, the water is polluted, the air is polluted, you sit hours in the car to go anywhere, there is no public transportation, the only few times I really felt unsafe in the US it was in SoCal.......

Well, if you're hanging out in Orange county - yeah. There are some very nice places in SoCal that are free of pollution and people, and are absolutely gorgeous. I'm not going to say where though!
SoCal is a beautiful place.

Small wonder it's so crowded. Granted, that might be why there are still so many unhappy people there. Population pressure is for the birds.

The pollution is better than it has been. I remember landing at LAX in 1998 and wondering "why is the haze so strangely yellow?"

The traffic does bite, though. It's going to make it hard to get out of dodge when California falls off into the ocean. :rolleyes: (Granted, if that really did happen, the most likely survivors would be pilots.. and hey, you could surf out of Las Vegas!)

It depends what information the police had (albeit wrong info at the time), which is something we don't know. If the info was that this was a akin to a felony stop, then they were likely following their protocols, since in a felony stop, the last thing you want to do is approach a vehicle/boat/aircraft without being at the ready, then getting shot by a suspect.

Joe Gremlin, I can understand you not liking a personal aspect of it by describing what if you had to see your wife, yada, yada; but these things happen. No one got hurt, and now someone is going to have to be accountable for why this screwup happened. And rightfully so. But that screwup isn't with the on-scene officers who were simply acting on the bad info given to them from another agency.

Especially where Martha said that she doesn't think they look like "your typical airplane thieves."

What does a typical airplane thief look like?
What does a typical airplane thief look like?

(cheap shot :))
