John and Martha Get Jacked Up.

Over rated if you ask me. As a matter of fact, the whole west coast is over rated. I have lived here most of my life, and the other places I have lived, for much less coin, have been a nicer group of people, along with better scenery. And the whole "I live in California for the weather" bit, well yeah, if you can afford to live 10 minutes from the beach I'll buy it. Once you get past the range of mountains that block all the nice beach air (about 10, minute drive and a HUGE price break), you get the damn desert. 100 deg, hot and windy most of the summer. This year has been unusual with a thick marine layer. So that just means that the beach has been cold and overcast all summer long nearly. Throw in taxes and the fact that once again we still don't have a state budjet, whats so great about this place again?

90 degree turns to final while doing 150 over the ground (Yay Mugu! (honestly, I really do like you guys, I'd just like a shallower turn to intercept :) )), of course. Congested airspace. The human rat race. The crumbling primary, secondary and postsecondary education systems, not to mention roads...

I'm told the northern coast of California is colder and less populated. Sounds good to me.

The lesson is, I guess, when surrounded by cops with guns drawn, just go with it. And know your airplane's VIN. And IF you are flying a stolen airplane, do NOT file IFR.
I bet that'll be added to the Private Pilot syllabus...
I've been everywhere, including 3rd world and 2nd world. There is no place like CA. When I mention CA, I'm not talking about East LA or 75% of Los Angeles for that matter. Even the gang members can go to the mountains and the beach all in one day without being in a blizzard, dust storm, or hurricanes. But if you can manage to afford it, it doesn't compare to anywhere else in the U.S and most of the world for its beauty and QOL. Now I'm not saying that life sucks anywhere else but CA by any means.

Meh, I've been all over this country, and CA is not worth the price of admission. I'm not saying it's not a nice place to live, just not worth the COL. I live in a nice little town in between Santa Barbara and LA, and the price of homes out here is out of control, even in a bad economy. When 85% of the average persons income has to go to keep the roof over your head, it's just too much. And when was the last time you actually went to the ocean and the snow in the same day. Thats going to be a long day. From the ocean, in 90% of California (where the majority of the pouplation is) it's a 3-4 hour drive to get from the beach to the hills.

As for the Hurricanes, you hit on a key point there for me. A hurricane gives you a call a week ahead of time and lets you know it's comming. An earthquake shows up un-announced, at 4am and bounces you out of bed. I was here for Northridge in '94. On average a big earthquake hits CA somwhere every 20 years. And on average a hurricane hits the same spot and does damage every twenty years. Atleast you know the hurricane is comming. I have been through both types. I'll take the hurricane.
Meh, I've been all over this country, and CA is not worth the price of admission. I'm not saying it's not a nice place to live, just not worth the COL. I live in a nice little town in between Santa Barbara and LA, and the price of homes out here is out of control, even in a bad economy. When 85% of the average persons income has to go to keep the roof over your head, it's just too much. And when was the last time you actually went to the ocean and the snow in the same day. Thats going to be a long day. From the ocean, in 90% of California (where the majority of the pouplation is) it's a 3-4 hour drive to get from the beach to the hills.

Usually when price of homes are out of control means that there is demand. It must be the California cheese.:D But yes it's unreasonably expensive here, it's because of the mass migration to CA from all areas of the world the last few decades. No doubt this recession has hit CA hard and the socialist policies of this gov are starting to crumble.
When I heard on the police scanner that the cops were questioning two men outside a Cessna, I thought it might be John and Martha.

I kiiiiiiiiiid :D

It is funny because I when I saw the title of this thread on the list I was thinking I was def gonna make a joke about this, but you beat me to it.

Well said!
CA also has the most desirable city to live in America. Voted by the people.

Thats my point. A single city is the most desirable. The rest of then are mediocre at best.

And actually, CNNMoney magazine doesn't even list CA cities in it's top ten.

And when it comes to affordable homes, CA didn't even make the list!

But when it comes to the most pricey homes in the nation, look at how full the list is of CA!

But in all fairness, atleast we made some money. But it doesn't reflect the housing costs scale above.

We didn't score a single spot in Job growth!

Made a few in Hottest

Like I said, it's a nice place to live, but it's not the best, in my opnion. I'm not one for the "keeping up with the Jones's" mentality. And CA is full of that kind of attitude.
Like I said, it's a nice place to live, but it's not the best, in my opnion. I'm not one for the "keeping up with the Jones's" mentality. And CA is full of that kind of attitude.

My thoughts exactly. I loved living in San Diego, but the rest of SoCal really sucks. The bay area is just as bad. Its beautiful, has pretty nice weather, but those two things dont account for the other problems this state has. COL is by no means worth the weather and scenery. Im happy to be out of CA...
Here's the only town in CA I'd be willing to live in...

My thoughts exactly. I loved living in San Diego, but the rest of SoCal really sucks. The bay area is just as bad. Its beautiful, has pretty nice weather, but those two things dont account for the other problems this state has. COL is by no means worth the weather and scenery. Im happy to be out of CA...
SAN and PSP are the two places in CA that I have been to that are tolerable. L.A and the rest of Socal suck, women don't shave their armpits in the Bay Area, and try getting stuck in Needles with an overheated radiator. 'nuff said.
Here are a few pics. And no...Martha is not smiling.


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Really?? They have done a lot for therapists too. :insane:

Darren...its one thing to poke them in the eye professionally, but to do it personally is wrong and out of bounds in a public medium.

I'd be willing to bet you and muff3n would be a little more respectful if the internet was not anonymous.