Jet career's ski trip?

Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

I was just thinking I need to go skiing...haven't been since 2001. I think the best skiing deal around is Tahoe--used to go for semester break in college and we'd get 2 nights hotel and 2 lift tickets (skied squaw, heavenly, sierra...) for something like $110/ person.

One, sorry, we are prude Mormon people and we could not allow drinking

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What the outer darkness? May we have coffee? What if I'm a Catholic and could not NOT allow drinking?
Sorry, just joshing ya....I probably shouldn't do that because you don't know me--I'm rarely serious

You're very generous!
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

Nope no coffee, no tea, no pot, no multiple piercings, bad haircuts or Democrats. JUST KIDDDDDDINNNNGGG!
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

I'm glad to see that there is some interest for this thing. It looks as if a time period centered around a weekend in late Feb or early March works best for most people (my self included). Also, it looks like SLC has the best potential for cheap housing (WF4F and TW/Corbin) and cheap flights in. So, anybody want to put up a few dates for people to kick around?

Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

how bout wine? No coffee??? what do you do when you get cold????? uhhh maybe i shouldn't ask that....hahahhaa
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

Oh man... here we go with the no shirt thing again. And this time from a respectible mormon. What ever is this world coming to?

(And this was a one line comment. Please don't hijack this thread as there is already a no shirt thread in SB)

Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

Just doing my part for the girls of the board who have to look at bikini chic avatars

I think as far as snow goes closer to March is probably the best month. BUT what we should do is AVOID spring break week here so that there is less traffic.
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

I'm an old man now, you're going to give me a heart attack!
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

Do you still need to "join the private clubs" to drink in SLC? or is it like the rest of America now?
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

TheWife -

First, what a great offer! Thank you! Second, you've only been a member of JC since August and you have HOW MANY POSTS?!?!?! Good grief!

I'm really excited about this! Count me in as long as it's some where in the Western US. We've got a few other JCers from Fresno and the Central valley that I can kidnapp as well.

The teleskis are waxed, tuned, and waiting. AND, I have an extra pair that someone could use if the wanted to try stomping the poodle (obscure tele-teaching reference . . . sorry!
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

Well in resturants that serve alc. obvioulsy you can order. But as far as clubs, from what I hear you have to be a member to get in, whether you want to drink or not. Personally though, if I were going to a club it would be in the ski areas and NOT in SLC. They are just trashy places that have had some shootings and fights recently, and they are mostly young adults. I would go the the more classy lounge type places, but that's just me.
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

you've only been a member of JC since August and you have HOW MANY POSTS?!?!?! Good grief!

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I guess I have a lot to say. Lol. When your only company all day can't form a complete sentance, you tend to seek adult conversation.
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

How abotu Mammoth California. Never been there but I hear the skiing/snowboarding is great! Now that I get free travel everywhere I up for anywhere! Yippee!
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

I might be setting myself up for a flamin' here, but though many of us enjoy a beer or two or twelve, we can get together for some skiing, flying talk, cards, Halo, and fun times WITHOUT having to have alcohol around, right? I have no problem with drinking or not drinking, but certainly hope it isn't REQUIRED in order to enjoy ourselves.

Flame on . . .
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?


where are you working? I think you said PSP in a much earlier thread, but I could be mistaken.
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

I have to admit tooo.. that skiing Utah would be awesome.. I'd love to see park city - and it's really awesome to have Michelle and WillFly
offer to put some of us up - but I have to admit, I really like my glass of wine at night, coffee in the morning (esp on vaca) and a nice comfy bed, so we'd probably hotel/resort it and see if we can get a sponsor at the local bar or bring some in or something... even the drive up there might be fun!!

March won't work too good for us though cuz we're already planned for another vegas trip...not to mention that's it's spring break and will be major difficult for everyone to get there!
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

two big screens etc.

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*sniff sniff* I smell crazy 8-way Halo action!

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HALO?! HALO?! I've got a case of beer that says I win . . .
And forget 8-way. Let's get 16 people running through Blood Gulch or Rat Race!

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Hell yeah...I say 16/Sidewinder/CTF!

Come for the skiing, stay for the Halo!

...and I'll take you on that bet!