Jet career's ski trip?


Antisocial Monster
Jet career\'s ski trip?


This was brought up in the squawk box, so I'm curious what kind of interest could be drummed up for this one. Would anyone be interested in going to a JetCareers ski trip? I mean the only way to beat Vegas is with skiing. If you would be interested then let us know:

1. Where you'd want to go
2. When you think you could do it (this winter might not work out for everyone)


John Herreshoff
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

I dunno how to ski - and would probably be afraid of breaking my leg... but if Ophir can teach me, then I might try it - considering how adept he is at skiing!!! the question is - how do we get there on a dime and/or standby???

I'd be up for the jacuzzi though - that's for sure!!
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

Kristie, I could get you skiing, no problem. I taught John how to ski last year and now he's pretty decent at it for only being on skis for a year. I'd be down with like Feb 26-March 1. I'll go anywhere as long as there is snow
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

1. Where you'd want to go
2. When you think you could do it (this winter might not work out for everyone)

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Definitely would be interested.

1.) Anywhere out west.

2.) Probably not this winter- I'm already going on one ski trip that I can't afford. Next winter would be fine and give everyone time to plan schedules and stash cash.
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

I might take you up on that - but I warn you, I have two eyes that don't work together, and coordination that needs serious help - I'm surprised i can chew gum and walk at the same time! hahahahah

I have to admit, that i have cross country skii'd before and did try downhill when i was little - but when you keep falling, you get discouraged! hahahaha

Doug says he's never skii'd either...
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

Well, my ideal time would be the week of March 14th - 20th, but as long as there is a weekend in there somewhere I would be all about slipping away if I could.

As far as locations... Banff Canada is awsome, but getting there can be a little difficult. Jackson Hole is also a great place and not too hard to get to.

I would bet the best bet (har har har) would be something out of SLC. But hey, if there is white stuff and pitch I'm for anything.

Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

Wooohoooo ski trip! If you aren't convinced on SLC we can send Welch and Johnson to persuade you.

Lots of floor space here if people aren't opposed to sleeping bags. Rent is accepted in the form of beer and food.

Greatest snow on Earth.
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

I'd be interested. Weekends work better than midweek for me, east coast is better than out west just because its closer to home. But I'm open to ideas ...

Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

If WillFly is hosting everybody on the floor, that makes the trip a lot cheaper!!

Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

JC ski trip! Great Idea!

Weekends work better than midweek for me, east coast is better than out west just because its closer to home. But I'm open to ideas ...


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Im a big fan of Whistler. Im not sure about fares getting there, but the Canadian dollar makes room and board a great deal. As for my preference of the east coast, my family's place in Killington can hold lots of people (on the floor).
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

yeah i'd be down for having a ski get together.

Anywhere in the Western part of the US would be good for me.
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

Anyone ever ski New Mexico?

We've been going to Red River and Angel Fire the last couple of years. The snow is usually pretty good and the prices are generally cheaper than most other places...
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

As for my preference of the east coast, my family's place in Killington can hold lots of people (on the floor).

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I'm going to be at Killington from Dec. 18th-21st. Shoot me a PM if you're going to be there!
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

I'm up for a trip. Name the dates and I'll be there.

I say let's do Tahoe. There's a lot of stuff to do there, with six or seven resorts, and then if folks want to go out and do things, there's Reno.
Re: Jet career\'s ski trip?

So this is the feedback I'm seeing (sorry to hijack your thread John, but we got snow on the ground here in Morgantown and I am all exciting about skiing!)

New Mexico (Red River etc)
BC, Canada (Whistler/Blackcomb)
East Coast (Vermont - Killington/Stowe etc)

My thoughts are (and these are my thoughts... please disagree
) Keep in mind I am a poor college student in training to be a poor CFI so money is always the issue.

SLC - Good, lots of area options, lots of flights in(cheap?!), we can invade WillFly4Food (you never should have offered buddy!), generally good snowfall towards the end of Febuary and begining of March.

Tahoe - Never been, but heard it is good. Isn't Heavenly down there somewhere? Maybe not so great access. What is the closest airport?

New Mexico Resorts - Awsome snow. Small (can be both good and bad) CHEAP!! Hard to get to.

BC - REALLY EXPENSIVE LODGING. Hard to get to. Otherwise, kick @ss.

East Coast - Why go when you can go out west?

Now it's back to your scheduled programing.
