JC P90X Club

:beer: funny, I didn't see that in the nutritional information:laff:

I did have some pain meds a little over a weekago...

Going to start the yoga...90 minutes of sweat~!

Yeah...I havent exactly figured out the nutrition plan yet. Maybe I will have to start popping some IBuprofen.
How do you have Yoga on Tuesday?? Shouldnt it be Plyometrics or Core Synergistics? If you have to miss a day, do you just do the day you should have done on the next day?
I just did the next exercise group the next time I could workout.

I am in recovery week, so today is day one of recovery week (week 4) which is Yoga.
the nutritional plan is pretty simple really...we could talk on the phone and I could give you some quick gouge later this evening. I'll pm my number to you.

sorry dude, had you asked for a sticky?

I just made it a sticky, since I'm a Mod...feel free to join ours!;)

Haha, no never did! But yeah, I've got to start making time for P90X again, I know my results were definitely real, all 4 weeks of them HA!
Drank too much beer last night and passed out before I could sober up and get the workout in. But I did the mother of all workouts today, Plyometrics, and definitely brought it. Every article of clothing I was wearing was saturated with sweat. I was jumping all over the place. Hopefully I didnt piss off the neighbors too much, because I was trying to land like a cat.

Bumblebee I definitely need the gouge on eating, it is not easy to follow a meal plan as a bachelor. Wont be able to chat tonight though, Im about to meet my old lady for dinner/booze to celebrate me raping the GRE today. :bandit:
So on day one it lists Chest + Back / Ab Ripper X... does this mean you do one in the AM, and another in the PM?

And what about the diet. I only see recipes for 7 days. Do you repeat it over for 4 weeks and then move to the Phase II recipes?

Part of the workout is figuring out all this stuff!
Well, you can split them up, but ab ripper follows the workout on the DVD. I usually stop for a minute or two and drink a little water after the main workout then get right to the ripper.
I had to split them up one day and it worked pretty well. I had a 0730 shuttle in the am so I did the plyometrics, then when I arrived home that evening, I did the Ab Ripper x.

I found that it was easier to perform the abripperx after haveing that break, but I normally just want to do the whole thing in one stretch, (already dressed and warm.)

The diet is not too bad, if you find the little color coded chart, and just mark off the different componenets of the diet. I made copies of that and then cut it into index card size papaers. I keep it in my back pocket. You can find the correlating calories in the nutrition book:
  • 200 carbs is one light brown box (approx 2 slices of bread)
  • dairy is 120 calories for the grey box ( 1 1/2 cups of nonfat milk)
  • Fats are 120 calories for one yellow box
  • Proteins are 100 calories per dark brown box
  • Fruits are 100 calories for the purple box
  • Vegitables are 50 calories per green box (one can of v8 will do here)
  • snacks are 200 per orange box
  • condiments are 50 per red box
If I want mustard, it has about 5 calories per tablespoon, so I could have 10 tablespoons a day if I want. Winnie (my wife) just said that she saw a mustard that had 0 calories, so have as much as you want. Ketchup, however is 15 calories, so you would have to limit that to 7..(105 calories)

The idea is that you should just keep track, and keep close, then... do your best and forget the rest!

Matter of fact I found the file. I am on the level 3 (3000 calorie) diet, you may be on the level 2, if that is the case, just block off 2 proteins from the end, 1 dairy, 1 fruit and then it will be your prescribed diet. Bring it!:rawk:


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    P90X diet program phase1 for copy.jpg
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If I want mustard, it has about 5 calories per tablespoon, so I could have 10 tablespoons a day if I want. Winnie (my wife) just said that she saw a mustard that had 0 calories, so have as much as you want. Ketchup, however is 15 calories, so you would have to limit that to 7..(105 calories)

The idea is that you should just keep track, and keep close, then... do your best and forget the rest!

Yellow mustard or deli mustard?
I think my "day one" will be Jan 1st 2010. I had thanksgiving today at my parents house since I worked all week, and was offered egg nog/rum for dessert. It'll be a very difficult holiday season.
I got sick when I was planning on starting mine and I've been lazy since even though I already bought everything I'll need. My parents are afraid if I put the chinup bar I bought in the doorway, my fatass will tear the whole doorway down. Only time will tell.
My parents are afraid if I put the chinup bar I bought in the doorway, my fatass will tear the whole doorway down. Only time will tell.

My advice to you would be to say "F*** you mom and dad, but I am going to Bring It! If the doorway is damaged, you can blame the guy who built it. If you aren't happy, you can move somewhere else!" :bandit:

Either that, or you could just do a simulated pullup with the bands. But that option might only be for girly men or the handicap.
I say I just go ahead and I do it and if the house falls down, thats pretty badass.:rawk:


It is time for everybody to put their excuses aside, jump on board and help motivate the team. I have heard that excuses are for losers...:laff:
I'm on day 3... I did Plyo last night and I couldn't move when I got up this morning. I think I need to get some of that recovery drink (I just grabbed the DVD's from my Dad). Let me tell you sticking to the nutrition plan is extremely difficult for a person who lives on campus with limited food options!
I'm on day 3... I did Plyo last night and I couldn't move when I got up this morning. I think I need to get some of that recovery drink (I just grabbed the DVD's from my Dad). Let me tell you sticking to the nutrition plan is extremely difficult for a person who lives on campus with limited food options!
im starting 12/9

when it comes in. LOL

Still going strong....I am on the third week of the second phase, just did yoga today.
I have never in my life sweat so much as I did during yoga today, around the second to last chaturanga into downward dog(right around the 50 minutes left mark), I had a stream pour offa my forehead, like it was coming out of the faucet. Amazing!

I can definitely see changes now, and hope to actually have a good photo session in about 10 days.

Some days it is hard to put the DVD in, but once I do and push play...IT"S ON!

Yesterday marked the first time I could do 40 Mason Twists straight through, that was a landmark. Ab Ripper X is badd ass! (and yes, you can totally say ass on here!)

BRING IT:rawk: