
The card-snapping thing they do makes me want to physically choke them out.

Do what I did when I was drunk. Run around grabbing as many cards as you can from a large group of them, act all excited then throw them back in their faces one by one. Nothing like laughing like a madman while 10 short guys curse at you in Spanish. Then walk away, you don't want to push it. Like I did. I'll save that story for later.
The card-snapping thing they do makes me want to physically choke them out.

I just take one and hand that card to the next.

"I'll trade you a blonde for a brunette.....":rotfl:
The card-snapping thing they do makes me want to physically choke them out.

I give them my one-eyebrow-raised "Please Drop Dead Now" look (remember my old passport pic where I look like the Russian spy? It's like that, only meaner). They generally back away from me. :bandit: