How many keep up with the little things?


That guy
So how many line flying 121 guys keep up with their single engine / GA flying?

I haven't touched something with less than 2 engines in 3 years.. But I've found my self wanting to get back into one, keep the fun up.

Most recently, I've started looking at a Lanceair 360 thats about 80% competed, thinking of picking it up to finish.
I'm looking at this furlough as a wonderful opportunity to get back into light twin/single flying.

I have a few plans for the fall time that include taking a DA40 across the southeast for about 8 days.

Short term, have to get checked out again.
I've been getting the GA itch here lately. Don't have the money to go out and rent a plane right now, though.

Eventually, I'd like to buy and build an RV for personal use/fun. Ideally I'd like a T-6, but that'll happen if I ever get on with Delta or SWA.
Hmm... a JC Meet n Fly - where those that still can fly them help those who legally can't at this point :)

I really just don't have the time these days it seems. Between preparing for our first kid, home renovations in preparation, and moving prop... just seems that Me time is gone .... (i'd prob. better get used to that)

I'd be all for throwing some cash in for flight time and a burger down at the flying W or something...
I've put about 4 hours into a DA-40 since the begining of December. First SE I've flown in two years. It's a trip getting back into it (especially with a castering nose wheel), but it's really a lot of fun and a great way to get up in the air without the stress and headache of doing it for work. I just wish I could find something as comfortable and fast as the DA-40 for about half the price!
Hmm... a JC Meet n Fly - where those that still can fly them help those who legally can't at this point :)

I really just don't have the time these days it seems. for Between preparing for our first kid, home renovations in preparation, and moving prop... just seems that Me time is gone .... (i'd prob. better get used to that)

I'd be all for throwing some cash in for flight time and a burger down at the flying W or something...

Hmm... a JC Meet n Fly - where those that still can fly them help those who legally can't at this point :)

I really just don't have the time these days it seems. Between preparing for our first kid, home renovations in preparation, and moving prop... just seems that Me time is gone .... (i'd prob. better get used to that)

I'd be all for throwing some cash in for flight time and a burger down at the flying W or something...

Is that the Flying W in NJ? I got my pvt-comm there. Neat airport.
Haven't touched a GA plane since I last flight instructed seven years ago. I'd like to get checked out just for fun, but it's too damned expensive.
Haven't touched a GA plane since I last flight instructed seven years ago. I'd like to get checked out just for fun, but it's too damned expensive.

:yeahthat: but it has been ten years for me. Not only is it too frakin expensive but, there are too many ways to get violated or hurt. It is just not worth my lively hood. Having kids makes you reevaluate things like that. However, I would love to have my own plane, RV-8 preferably.
I have a Luscombe Silveraire that hasn't flown in the last several years. (See Whitey's post.) Anyone know a good Mech/IA @ FFC?
I wish I was. It's pretty far down the priority list right now. No budget for proper ownership costs. No time for it with the kids right now. And I'd have to hire a JCer to get me proficient in the procedures and the current in the airspace quagmire that is now East coast GA.

That whole "life" thing can get complicated. Especially saving for retirement and funding accounts for kids colleges (the lump sum college fund contribution ate the airplane budget)

Also, I'm snobby like this, and would want more than a 150/172/PA28 deal. Preferably classic and/or fast that can do 500 nm with the wife 2 kids and clothes aboard.

Perhaps if the aviaiton gods bless me with money for more toys in the coming years. Fingers are crossed for the next up cycle....
I will humbly offer any of you 121 guys who want to go up in a piston single a ride and some playtime in the air. You split the gas with me and maybe give me some instruction/pointers/advice and we'll call it even.
I have a Luscombe Silveraire that hasn't flown in the last several years. (See Whitey's post.) Anyone know a good Mech/IA @ FFC?

I used to work for a guy at FFC back in the late '90s. Don't know if he is still there though. Also, I know a guy at CCO that I know is still there and does good work.
Every time i'm home with my old man. It would drive me crazy flying nothing but 121 all the time, I don't get the guys that are always " I only want to fly big planes ".
Every time i'm home with my old man. It would drive me crazy flying nothing but 121 all the time, I don't get the guys that are always " I only want to fly big planes ".

It's not that we only want to fly big planes but, it is the reasons I listed above. The absolute biggest reason is lack of money. $100 bucks an hour for Cessna when I can barely feed my daughter is not a wise financial decision.
It's not that we only want to fly big planes but, it is the reasons I listed above. The absolute biggest reason is lack of money. $100 bucks an hour for Cessna when I can barely feed my daughter is not a wise financial decision.

True that, i completely understand. But I was referring to the type that just wanted to get through training to fly jets, and never want to fly little planes anymore.
Haven't flown a GA plane for about three years. For the same reason as others list. I would like to do it more often, but can't really afford to do so. Eventually I would like to re-new my CFI certs and teach my son to fly when he is old enough.

At some point I would love to get some real back country experience too. (I've got less than 2 hours in an old J-3 Cub and that's it.)
In my last misadventure in flying corporate I flew a King Air F-90 (Clipped-wing, T-tailed with -135A 750shp engines, GNS-400W and an Avedyne EX-500 FlightMax MFD w/Jepp. Chartview). We also had a Cessna T-210, and I flew both single-pilot. I'd have to say that it was actually easier flying the King Air with all the "goodies" than it was flyng the 19hundo with two up front. Not less fatiguing, just easier from a workload point of view (very low workload without all the 121 BS to deal with).
The 210 was...Well, a pain in the A**. I really didn't enjoy long trips in that sucking O2 out of a nasal canulla. The boss was bleeding money and toward the end more and more trips were in the 210 vs. the King Air. 210 had a good autopilot, and was obviously quite simple to operate. The only thing you had to be concerned with was engine wear and babying the turbocharger. We had one of those engine analyzers to find lean of peak and set your power with. Worked really well, and you could download the stored information directly onto a laptop.
Other than that, the only "GA" I've flown is a few flghts in another T-210 for an owner in ROA, and a check-out in a PA-28-140 at SHD about 4 years ago.


ex-Navy Rotorhead

P.S. The Slaab sux!
I usually fly GA once or twice a week. I fly a bit in a chancellor for a guy here and there and I own a small tailwheel bushplane that I get out in when the weather is nice.