How do you land?

one wheel at a time, but sometimes all three at the same time. I guess all that praying pays off.
Depending on the engine that might be a possibility. On the 35s the fuel computers keep the speeds up in the thinner air.
I don't think it's been an issue on these engines/airframes. I wouldn't do it in the 500-series with the problems the beechjets have had with the JT-15Ds.....

Sorry...the "Hawker 400" for those that are insulted that I referred to it as a BJ...

I'm aware of that one. I'm not flying an RJ.

Engine management?

An O-320? On, Off, Fast and Slow.


Yep, O-320 fixed pitch prop. It's no worse for the engine than stall recoveries. 2700 rpm at 130 isn't close to full power anyway. I don't do it often, bit the controllers like it if you don't do half the ref speed of the jet behind you going into places like MHT, PWM, BOS and BED and the like. It's also nice to know how fast the airplane can come in and then slow down, if say there was smoke/fire.
Understood, still he might be uneasy about it nonetheless.
True. And in the end, it's his airplane so if he wants 'em back up, I don't care.

...just don't bitch at me when you don't say "hey, lets get started down a little earlier" and we miss the crossing restriction. You want the power up, that's fine...but you're also responsible for making sure we make the fix.

After some more research, I can't find much about the FJ44s being a problem. Anyone got any?

An O-320? On, Off, Fast and Slow.


Even o320s require a little finesse, no they're not IO520s or 540s, but they still don't like to be beat on. You don't think that going from readline to idle in about 2 seconds isn't rough on it? I'd recommend a slow deceleration on the glide slope, as you shoot the approach to land. Time it so that you cross the inner marker right at the speed to dump full flaps, and about 1500RPM, then dump em'. Pitch and trim and set down and still make the first exit, and still not have pissed off the RJ captain because your airspeed didn't really get below 120 until the last 500' or so. Just my $.02.

Yep, O-320 fixed pitch prop. It's no worse for the engine than stall recoveries. 2700 rpm at 130 isn't close to full power anyway. I don't do it often, bit the controllers like it if you don't do half the ref speed of the jet behind you going into places like MHT, PWM, BOS and BED and the like. It's also nice to know how fast the airplane can come in and then slow down, if say there was smoke/fire.

I doubt that redline tach to idle is good for anything, but to each his own. You can still fly fast without yanking the power out, in the descent trying gradually backing off on the power and you wont screw the jets over too much.
Any rougher than going from idle to full power for takeoff?


It should take you no less than about 5-10 seconds to go from power to idle to max power unless you really need it. Plus there's a NASA study out there somewhere (now I'll have to find it) about engine failures at power reductions, and statistical likelyhoods. I'd keep that in mind too.
It should take you no less than about 5-10 seconds to go from power to idle to max power unless you really need it. Plus there's a NASA study out there somewhere (now I'll have to find it) about engine failures at power reductions, and statistical likelyhoods. I'd keep that in mind too.
10 seconds is a long time. Try sitting in absolute silence, no TV, no nothing for 10 seconds. It's a longer time than you think. I'd be surprised if it takes any longer than 5 seconds if you take your time.

10 seconds is a long time. Try sitting in absolute silence, no TV, no nothing for 10 seconds. It's a longer time than you think. I'd be surprised if it takes any longer than 5 seconds if you take your time.


That's true, I probably average about 5 seconds or so.
Power off at 50' avoid the runway end lights(pisses off ops guys) at the bottom of the numbers, stick full back, tailwheel hits just before the mains, dump the flaps, if nobodys waiting at the hold line turn off there, other wise the first turnout:D

Somebody had to throw in a tailwheel:nana2:
Power off at 50' avoid the runway end lights(pisses off ops guys) at the bottom of the numbers, stick full back, tailwheel hits just before the mains, dump the flaps, if nobodys waiting at the hold line turn off there, other wise the first turnout:D

Somebody had to throw in a tailwheel:nana2:

Makes two now! :rawk:

There is a lot more to that accidnent than just being at "flight idle". Flight idle decents in the RJ are a non event. Did one last night into JAX from FL 310.
There is a lot more to that accidnent than just being at "flight idle". Flight idle decents in the RJ are a non event. Did one last night into JAX from FL 310.

True, but I was more so posting it as a reason why he could be worried about flame outs at high altitude. I don't know, people can be irrational, I was just throwing something out there.
True, but I was more so posting it as a reason why he could be worried about flame outs at high altitude. I don't know people can be irrational, I was throwing something out there.

If somebody is worried about high altitude flameouts because of what they supposedly "heard" about 3701, they need to read what really happened. Not that hard to find.

And for future reference, be more careful about what you just "throw out there". :D