How do you land?

I don't know. It depends on the plane.

Beech 1900 I usually hit the stops on the power right as I touched down.
Saab 340 I usually back it off right as I'm touching down. I carry a bit more power with me on the Saab than the Beech during the landing. The Beech, however, was a hell of a lot more of an airplane in the power department than the saab-o-matic.
The way I'd been flying up until this weekend I'd have the power at idle just out of the base leg.

Bit high and fast I was.
:D depends..;)

Yeah, I'll say. Generally all the Cessna bug smashers we're power to idle over the numbers if not before then....unless we're talking about a soft field landing.

If you take the power to idle in a Caravan and you've flared just a tad too high, you're in for quite a ride to touchdown. Let's just say you'll know you have arrived...

Generally in the Citations we bring the power to idle at '50.
In the Dash 8, if you leave about 10-15% of power in you'll get more of a controllable landing. Pulling the power back to idle seems to upset the flare. I usually have the power around 20-26% with flaps 15 and props 1050 RPM on final. Then 50 feet or so over the TDZE I bring the power to 10% and begin to see airspeed bleed off while watching the spaghetti-O be right dead center between "Fast" and "Slow".
arrow - power idle in the flare. (plenty of aft trim prior) Short field requires direct to the numbers to a forward slip.
cherokee - power to idle +/- 20ft and ride out the ground effect.
Seminole - idle just before the flare.
Depends on what I am flying...

Most nosewheel airplanes, power at idle when the wheels touch.

If I am in a taildragger and needing to taxi a bit down the runway before turning off, I will do a wheel landing with a little power and taxi on the mains the majority of the distance to the turnoff.
In the BE58 Idle just before landing unless there is a strong crosswind...In the C210 I was usually at idle crossing the threshold.
Props forward, power back, eyes closed, "oh father, who art in heaven...*chirp*". It's worked so far. And they say there is no God.
If you pull it to idle in the might Orion, stand by to knock everyones molars loose. bad bad juju. Always power on.
I really only have 172 and 172RG time, so I usually go power to idle after turning onto final from base. If tower gives me a straight in, I'll just gauge when to go to idle by my altitude and what the winds are doing. The only time I'll keep some power in, aside from doing soft field landings, is when there is a decent cross wind or gusty head winds causing erratic changes in the IAS. Then I'll ride her in with power but chop it right before flaring.

I only have minimal flight hours in a Seneca. Power is left on to about 50ft or so and then walked back slowly till you're idle before flaring.
Yeah, I'll say. Generally all the Cessna bug smashers we're power to idle over the numbers if not before then....unless we're talking about a soft field landing.

If you take the power to idle in a Caravan and you've flared just a tad too high, you're in for quite a ride to touchdown. Let's just say you'll know you have arrived...

Generally in the Citations we bring the power to idle at '50.

I'm usually power to idle in a soft field too, but that's just me.
In the CRJ700 and 900 it depends on the weight. If I'm landing light I swipe the power at 50 feet. The heavier I get I keep the power in a little longer. I always have the power at idle before the mains touch.