Hiring boom in ~5 years?

I'm sorry, that's the most absurd piece of garbage I've ever read.

I guess every pilot age 60+ is the reason for the economic downturn, and a decrease in air travel, right?

What caused this problem were the airlines themselves, and all the zero-to-hero pilots who felt that they were entitled to go into an RJ with 250 hours and a BS 5 hour RJ course. If anyone should have a right to entitlement, its the 60+ pilots who have worked their entire lives in this industry.

If you wanna know where to place the blame, take off the aviators, try to stop styling your hair for a minute, and take a good, long look in the mirror.

I really dont get into these blame discussions much but I dont think the people in bold are the ones to totally blame. Im sure a lot would argue that the mainline's giving up scope and allowing E-175's (190's) and CRJ-900's to be flown at the regional level (with no raise in pay to attract more qualified idividuals) share equal blame.

Oh and BTW, Marcus (Trip7) has a low cut so it wouldnt take him long in the morror at all. :D
Everyone retiring, nobody training, new proposed rest rules...it's going to be VERY interesting.

Although, even the majors will lower mins before raising pay. They will ALWAYS lower mins before raising the pay, but how low can they go? ab-into type of programs? who knows...

Dont forget those Nex Gen CRJ 1000's who'll replace transatlantic flights :P

That would be the CRJ 2500X :)
Everyone retiring, nobody training, new proposed rest rules...it's going to be VERY interesting.

Although, even the majors will lower mins before raising pay. They will ALWAYS lower mins before raising the pay, but how low can they go? ab-into type of programs? who knows...

That would be the CRJ 2500X :)

Cost cutting baby!!!

What's sad is this "cost cutting" is only realized by top managment. Not even shareholders. Sure theyll get an increase of 5-10 percent on their total investment.....But to the AVG investor whats that? 100-1,000 dollars. and the employees may recieve a .05 cent dividend also..

Another sword to watch out for is out sourcing....If they are able to train or obtain pilots to fly in the U.S. from another country who will work less...then yikes!!!1
Hopefully the hiring boom is next year so I can go to the regionals with a wet commercial.